Written by Regina Ender

June's Featured Student

Donovan Young '18
Sociology and Humanities

Longing to combine his love for people and service, Donovan Young wanted to learn more about the problems others face in order to gain the tools needed to help them.

With the ultimate goal of starting his own organization to aid the homeless and underserved communities, the sociology and honors humanities double major and leadership minor will graduate in 2018 before pursuing his master’s degree in social work.

In his sociology courses, Young has been able to learn about individualized and big picture issues society has faced in history and continues to face presently. By pursuing humanities, he has read countless texts about society and the challenges it faces. His leadership minor combines the two, giving him courage to act on his what he's learned while serving others. In his time at APU, Young has been shaped by mentors who have modeled what it looks like to put one’s faith into practice.

He discovered his calling after visiting the 14 Forward homeless shelter to tour the facility and bring cases of water to the residents. As he was getting ready to leave, he felt God pulling on his heartstrings, telling him to stay a little longer, so he did. Suddenly, a guest ran up and thanked him for the water. Young was grateful he did not miss that moment to see the result of God’s work being done through him. It was at this point Young knew he wanted to serve those who were less fortunate than himself.

Young has made the Dean’s List since he was a freshman and is a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success and the Pew College Society. Additionally, he is a writer for the Honors College Honors Report. Since last year, he has helped plan Community Closets, an outreach effort through his church that provides those in need with food, school supplies and clothing.

In summer 2016, Young served as an intern for California State Senator Jim Nielsen and California State Assemblyman James Gallagher. Starting this summer, he will intern for Congressman John Garamendi. 

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