Written by Kathryn Ross

With Winter Commencement just past, Caleb McNitt looks back on his time at APU as a growing experience. Coming in as a transfer student, Caleb saw his passion for leadership and his heart for youth come together on the APU campus. As a senior, Caleb served as a Resident Advisor (RA) in a first-year residence hall to be a support for new APU students. Caleb notes that becoming an RA helped develop him as a person and budding professional. “Last school year I spent the year being an RA,” says Caleb. “Through that experience, I was taught a lot about my leadership skills. I was challenged a lot by other staff members to dive deeper into my faith and be a better leader for my peers and my students.”

One of the motivations for his desire to help others navigate challenges is his own story. Caleb is a two-time cancer survivor who sees his traumas as experiences that have, “challenged me to reach for my goals.” A liberal studies major, Caleb chose his career path because he is passionate about helping teens and young adults navigate challenges, grow in their faith and reach their potential. He has been volunteering with Younglife for the past ten years and has also worked with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society since he was just ten years old.

Caleb notes that, while he’s had a heart for youth since he was a child, it wasn’t until his senior year of high school that he felt he had found his calling, “I was working as a swim instructor. A parent told me I had very good management of the 20 kids I was working with at the time. She was surprised that someone so young could have such a major impact on kids not too much younger than myself.” This affirmation led Caleb to seek out more opportunities to mentor and teach.

As far as post-graduation plans go, Caleb says that he is currently exploring his options. “I was just accepted into Pepperdine’s Master’s in Teaching Program,” he offers. “But I’m waiting to see what God has called me to do.”

Words of Wisdom: “Spend much more time getting to know your professors. They really want to see you succeed and help you reach and obtain your goals.”