Despite earning the title of Department of Communication Studies Student of the Year and graduating in 2014, Mark Miller’s time at APU did not come to an end. After living both inside and outside of the country since graduating, Miller made his way back to APU where he currently works as an adviser and writing coach of Integrated Student Media. In this position, he oversees current student writers and editors working on Zu Media publications. Additionally, he conducts ZU Media workshops to help students interested in Journalism, whether it is writing, editing or designing, gain the experience and transferable skills needed for a career in this field. “My undergraduate experience at APU prepared me for this very scenario,” says Miller of his position. “I used to be in these students’ shoes, as both a writer and an editor on campus, and that hands-on experience sent me straight into the world of writing, editing, and translating once I graduated.”

During his time as an undergrad, Miller earned a double major in Spanish and Journalism. The choice to major in two areas came from his passion for language. “Languages infuse my life with joy—whether I'm learning, teaching, writing, or singing,” he says. “When I first started learning Spanish at age 13, it was as if the world suddenly had a new color palette to choose from. The more I learned Spanish in high school and made new Spanish-speaking friends outside of class, the more I realized that I just had to continue learning this beautiful language in college. Once it was time to fill out my applications, I decided I wanted to pursue both Spanish and Journalism so I could further my knowledge of both languages.” His interest in both languages has served him well, guiding him through different jobs and opportunities as he’s built his career. Since graduation, Miller has worked at HRock Church in Pasadena as a Communications Coordinator and as an editor and designer for Hocking Printing Company, Inc. in Ephrata, Pennsylvania. Miller currently works as a freelance writer, editor, translator and tutor based in the greater Los Angeles area in addition to his role at APU. His work with translation led to an upcoming publication of an early reader children’s book, Huesos, which will be his first book translated from English to Spanish.

Miller notes that it was his studies in Spanish while at APU that directly prepared him for his current positions. “I had the opportunity to submerge myself thoroughly in the language —in a wide variety of contexts, both here and abroad,” he says. “Additionally, as a Spanish-language tutor, I find joy in teaching younger students (some in high school, others in elementary) a language that I once learned in school but then grew to love so much that it became an integral part of my everyday life.”

Though Spanish began mostly as an interest when Miller was younger, he sees his affinity for the language and journalism as part of his calling. He describes a time between his junior and senior years at APU when he was able to undertake a journalism internship in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Here, Miller was able to merge his love of journalism with his love for Spanish due to many of his assignments and daily interactions being conducted in the language. “I served two months as a Communications Facilitator intern at Paz y Esperanza (Peace and Hope International)” Miller says. A faith-based organization, Paz y Esperanza allowed Miller to work in impoverished communities to replace systemic violence and injustice with the groundwork for a better future. “There I found satisfaction in using my language skills within the context of a ‘ministry’ that was bringing much-needed change and relief to people across all social strata — ranging from instances of domestic violence with women and children to training local pastors and advocates of human rights.”

It’s clear that APU has acted as a launching pad for the life and work Miller is enjoying now. In addition to employment and an unmatched education, Miller has also made and continues to make lasting, faith-based friendships with students, professors, and colleagues. Finally, Miller offers a bit of advice for current and future students of APU:

“Pursue a vivid, daily relationship with Jesus, and commit yourself fully to His plan for your life. He has so much in store for you — beyond what you can imagine! Seek to use your talents and passions to impact the people around you, wherever you may find yourself, and be diligent in your area of interest. Little by little, you'll see the ripple effect that your life will have in this beautiful world that God created.”