Law eforcement speaking with student

Department of Criminal Justice

Bringing a Fresh Perspective to the Growing Field of Criminal Justice

Criminal justice is an interdisciplinary social science involving the study of crime and societal responses to it. The Department of Criminal Justice seeks to foster an environment of inquiry, innovation, and lifelong learning for students of criminal justice, who recognize, critically examine, and solve social problems related to crime and criminal behavior.

By examining the policies and systems designed to control criminality, students learn the sociopolitical context of crime and explore the historical and contemporary theories of violent and antisocial behavior. In addition to learning academic theories and analyzing criminal justice practices, students also develop practical skills such as writing for criminal justice audiences, locating relevant laws and regulations, and understanding courtroom procedures.

Candace smiling

Faculty Friday: Candice Williams’ Heart for Justice and Openness to Uncharted Roads

For Candice Williams, PhD, her career journey presented detours, ultimately leading her to a profession she never thought she would enter: the criminal justice field.

Embarking on a path of research, professorship, and mentorship, led her to fulfill what she believes God called her to do.

Student Portraits

See how APU criminal justice students turn their studies into purpose. Evelyn Gonzalez finds her passion for youth work, while Ashley Lucas deepens her understanding through research.

Student Portraits: Evelyn Gonzalez ’19, Criminal Justice

Ashley Lucas ’19, Criminal Justice

Contact Information

Email: [email protected]
Email (Brianna Bode, Program Coordinator): [email protected]
Phone: (626) 815-5094
Fax: (626) 815-6180


Monday–Thursday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.


Duke Academic Complex, Room 620
apu campus
Note: This information is current for the 2024-25 academic year; however, all stated academic information is subject to change. Refer to the current Academic Catalog for more information.