Describe your APU experience thus far and how it has helped shape you into the person you are today.

It has been an exciting journey filled with a lot of challenges, but in spite of the challenges my time at APU has benefited me in every way. I’m learning exactly what I want to do in the industry. I’m not just focusing on one aspect of what I want to do, my overall work-ethic has grown a lot. The faculty are amazing, from my private instructors to ensemble directors.

Describe a time where you felt you had found your calling in your field of study.

I came from a musically influenced family, but after not getting into another school because of finances I went through a period of not doing music. During this time I had to discover who I was, and being away from music was actually good for me. I had to first affirm who I was in Christ before I was a musician. Taking a year or two off without music was foreign but also really transforming at the same time.

What is your current favorite memory from your time at APU?

The boot-camp-dash-show that is Celebrate Christmas. Seeing the amount of effort that goes into it was amazing. It’s a really great memory.

What are your plans after you graduate?

One of my potential goals would be to work in the music industry as an A&R (Artist and Repertoire), and also write music for other people. I really like that part of the industry, it keeps me looking at new artists and styles. I also want to create a space for a community of musicians to come together and perform and write their own music.

If you could give advice to an incoming freshman, or to your younger self, what would it be?

Make sure you do what you love. Don’t just get a degree to make money. Trust God - it’s so simple but also so difficult. Be excited, it’s a new part of your life! Don’t just get stuck in a routine in isolation! That’s one thing a love so much about APU, they emphasize community.

Date: November 1, 2019