Why did you choose to study your particular major?

I have always had a passion for art, namely animation. I enjoy visual storytelling and desire to collaborate with others to create such stories, so I am pursuing animation to further develop the skills I need for the animation industry.

Describe a time where you felt you had found your calling in your field of study.

I felt called to my field of study during 2018, when I was attending the California State Summer School for the Arts' animation program. The program was incredibly difficult and demanding, and weeded out those who changed their minds about wanting to do animation, from those who were serious about it. I came out of that program more inspired and determined to do animation than ever.

Describe your APU experience thus far and how it has helped shape you into the person you are today.

APU is a college that demands a lot of hard work, but it pays off if the student commits to the work. My first year at APU was difficult, but it shaped me to work harder, and realize how much I can push myself to rise to the challenge. This past year made me realize how important finishing my projects are, and how rewarding it can be to complete them.

If you could give advice to an incoming freshman, or to your younger self, what would it be?

My advice would be to spend your time wisely. Prioritize your assignments and your major, but also make sure to give yourself time to make friends, spend time with others, and relax. College is just as much a place to make connections as it is to develop skills for your major. Work efficiently and don't put things off.

Madeline has been recognized, by state of California, as an Art Scholar. Last spring, Wacom, one of the leading tech companies for graphics, featured her animated short film on their website. We look forward to seeing her artistry develop further at APU and beyond!