Why did you choose to study your particular major?

Toward the end of my undergraduate career at APU, I felt God calling me to stay and seek out all of the opportunities I had yet to explore. Coming out of performance and composition degrees, it seemed as though I had good footing in two out of the three areas that make concert music possible: the performer, the conductor and the composer. I had two pieces of the puzzle figured out, and I thought that learning how to convey those two views through the perception of how a conductor works would ultimately better my musicianship.

Please list any certifications, awards, and other academic-related honors you’ve earned along with the date you received them. Please also include publications.

I have one published percussion work entitled "Satisfraction" available through Tapspace Publications. In 2019, I was awarded the Outstanding Senior Award by the Department of Music Performance. Recently, I was awarded two conducting study grants: Both events have been postponed. The Frost until November, and Mike Moss postponed to next summer.

I have been accepted as 1 of 20 Instrumental Conducting Fellows at the 2020 Frost Young Women Conductor's Symposium. It will be held at the Frost School of Music as a part of The University of Miami. While the focus of this symposium is geared toward encouragement, support, and promotion of young women conductors, it is by no means exclusionary to any individual. This event is an opportunity for individuals to advance their craft as conductors and to exchange ideas with other individuals who have an interest in topics related to women and their work as conductors. Acknowledging that women have slowly started to hold prominent leadership positions on the podium and in the academy, conversations around systematic inclusion, development, and growth will be included.

I have been accecpted as 1 of 12 to receive a Mike Moss Conducing Study Grant from the College Band Directors National Association and its Diversity Committee. This grant instituted the opportunity to conduct at a symposium at the University of Michigan under the direction of renown conductor Michael Haithcock. The 2020 Mike Moss Conducting Study Grants offer conductors from underrepresented populations the opportunity for professional development through participation in a summer symposium at one of twelve sponsoring institutions.

Please describe any charity or volunteer work you've done.

I play every week (when not in a pandemic) in my church orchestra. It is always the highlight of my week, and even more so to worship God with the talents He has given me.

Describe your APU experience thus far and how it has helped shape you into the person you are today.

I would not be the person I am today were it not for APU. The people I've met, the life changing moments, the God who guides me along my path - - all things I could never forget and would never change. As I am nearing the end of my studies, this next year will be sixth and final, I am finding that the mundaneness of near constant work is less so mundane because I am surrounded by peers and faculty that have become my family.

Please describe a favorite memory from your time at APU.

Any time I get to make music with my friends. Whether it be in worship, in concert, at Christmas or in rehearsal, the phenomenon that is creating purposeful music with others is my absolute favorite thing that I've come to know at APU.

Describe a time where you felt you had found your calling in your field of study.

There are plenty of moments that I feel have been worthwhile to me as a musician. As far as conducting goes, I think any time I've looked back at a rehearsal, or had a discussion in a lesson, and actually understood why things have happened the way they have, those moments of clarity truly feel like I am supposed to be where I am. Whether things have gone poorly in rehearsal, or absolutely wonderful, if I understand how they've happened and can reflect on those moments with awareness, then I can apply them to any, musical or not, situation.

What are your plans after you graduate?

I plan to continue on with my studies and am striving toward getting a doctoral degree after I graduate APU.

If you could give advice to an incoming freshman, or to your younger self, what would it be?

Rely on God and rely on others who rely on Him. At times, in this wildly wonderful journey of educating ourselves and finding how we fit in the greater scheme, it is troublesome to know what path forward is right, or better yet, what path is best. I've found that being with people who embody trust in Christ, they lead me toward Him, and He leads where I'm supposed to be. As said in Psalm 37 "The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him."