Describe your APU experience thus far and how it has helped shape you into the person you are today.

So far my experience at APU has been incredible. I am so grateful to have chosen to study design under the teachings and guidance of the most talented and professional professors. The one-on-one experience and valuable time that all of them have devoted to helping me become successful in my endeavors is a unique quality about receiving an education from APU. Also, to be able to learn in a Christ-centered environment and be given so many opportunities to design for good has made my faith stronger and shaped the way I want to design outside of APU.

Describe a time where you felt you had found your calling in your field of study.

I knew design studies was the perfect fit when I became a graphic design intern for APU's Office of Alumni Engagement. I have loved every second of creating content for others to enjoy.

How did this project start or come about?

This project came about as a personal project for my Applied Design class with Professor Terry Dobson. The purpose of the class was to choose what I want to design for the semester. I chose to do a project on the current homelessness crisis in Los Angeles County after seeing the increase in tent shelters throughout Los Angeles during the pandemic. The Invisible Project, a poster series, tells the story of homeless humans affected by social invisibility.

Through photographs of homeless environments and statistics taken directly from the streets of L.A, it brings awareness to the current homeless crisis in Los Angeles County.

Each poster features a different individual holding a visible cardboard sign with the words “See Me,” but only their own shadows are revealed to emphasize their feeling of invisibility. The desired result is that, by shining a spotlight on these subjects and their environments, the invisible will become visible to the viewer.

You can view the series, design process, and learn more about homelessness and ways to help by visiting: The Invisible Project

Was this volunteer or paid?

This was a voluntary project that I came up with, researched, planned, executed, and created. I set my own deadlines and goals throughout the semester to complete the series.

Where are your posters now?

Due to the pandemic, I was not able to publicly display my posters for in-person viewing.

What are the next steps for this initiative?

My next steps for this initiative is to continue to update and add research on homelessness to my blog website, and to display the series in a public space to bring more awareness to people affected by homelessness.

If you could give advice to an incoming freshman, or to your younger self, what would it be?

Always produce work you are proud to show and try to make as many connections with those around you.

What are your plans after you graduate?

To become a full time graphic designer, continue volunteering to help the homeless, and to design for a non-profit organization.

Is there anything I’ve missed that you’d like to share in your success story?

I would like to thank Professor Terry Dobson for contributing to my success so far and always believing in my capabilities.

Bethany Lizarraga was recognized on the Dean’s List for the 2020-2021 academic year, and is an active volunteer with Pathways of Hope.