Written by Regina Ender

When dreaming about her future career, Hailey Gerken has always known she was called to lead those around her to Christ. In her job, she has used every skill God has given her to glorify Him and point others toward Him. As the Worship Arts Director at Purpose Church Claremont, she uses both her heart for pastoral ministry and her talent for performing music.

Both of these passions were clear to Gerken when she was a Music and Worship major at APU. Though she didn’t know exactly what shape her career would take, she knew she wanted to pursue worship in its purest form through music. In her job at Purpose Church, she combines her desire to embrace creativity with her knack for productivity, which she refers to as the intersection of the sacred with the administrative.

Before taking on the worship director role at Purpose, Gerken served in several volunteer capacities related to student ministries and worship. These roles helped guide her path and prepared her spirit and her skill set for her current role. Her service positions lent themselves to her success Purpose Church, where she was part of the pioneering team who opened the campus in Claremont as a branch from the church’s original location in Pomona. Launching Purpose’s church plant helped fuel the fire that was ignited in Gerken as a student at APU. Being part of such a formative season in a church showed her the fulfillment she would find pursuing service and outreach.

Earning a Christian-focused undergraduate education has not only impacted Gerken’s path, but completely shaped it. In an effort to continue strengthening her skills and role as a Christian leader, Gerken is currently pursuing her M.A. in Leadership Development from APU. With this experience as a graduate student, she hopes to be well-equipped to train and raise up more leaders in the church. The degree will give Gerken tools to foster meaningful faith development, allowing her to mobilize others in their walk with God. Studying and working with Christ at the center of her goals has helped Gerken approach her life with confidence and focus. In both job and volunteer efforts, she said her time at APU has been incredibly formative and has instilled a desire for her to lead with a servant’s heart.

Words of Wisdom: “Be all in. Music is not a degree that you can be half in. It requires dedication, teachability, and humility.”