Written by Nicole Johnson 

Since his mother helped him take pictures of toy dinosaurs in front of crayon colored backdrops, Stew Redwine, Cinema Broadcast Arts ‘05, began to experience his professional calling - making things for others to enjoy. It’s a continual revelation for him - other instances include when his dad laughed so hard he cried at Stew’s sixth-grade play, countless theater and video shoots throughout high school and college, and now hearing the words he writes on the radio or seeing a commercial he directs on TV.

During Stew’s time at APU the education, programs, and opportunities there helped him succeed, but most of all, it was Dr. Thomas Parham’s mentorship that impacted Redwine’s trajectory, “I am grateful that [his] positive influence and guidance kept me moving along the path that has led to where I am today.” Stew’s Christian-based education and mentors like Dr. Parham and others gave him a center and a point of reference. Out of affection and respect for Dr. Parham’s deep love for Star Trek, Redwine quotes from the 2016 film which speaks to this idea: "There is no relative direction in the vastness of space. There is only yourself, your ship, your crew. It's easier than you think, to get lost.”

Thanks to APU and Dr. Parham’s influence, Stew has been able to find his way throughout his career. He wants to encourage students to make sure their foundation is strong and as they set out into the marketplace to get as much experience in internships as they can.

Words of Wisdom: You've got to see how a lot of stuff is made and make a lot of stuff before you can get good at making stuff. Make more. Whatever it is, make more of it. Scripts. Stories. Stand Up. Do it, keep doing it, and don't quit.