Written By Nicole Johsnon 

Jordan Williams has always been infatuated with film, so when it was time to choose a career path, he easily chose to study Cinematic Arts Production. He felt like God was calling him to attend Azusa Pacific University. After taking the ACT the maximum amount of 11 times, Williams finally received the score needed to be able to apply for Azusa Pacific.

Since coming to Azusa Pacific, Williams says his experience has been more than he could have ever hoped for. “I am beyond blessed that I have been able to study what I love in an environment that cultivates my relationship with God,” Williams articulates. In his cinema classes, Williams is taught how to do things with excellence and how to create art which reflects the Creator and is “challenged to see God in unique and different ways”.

Williams received confirmation of his calling when the opportunity to direct his own short film arrived during his sophomore year. “This process was one of the craziest experiences of my life; however, I felt a peace that I was in the right spot.” Being able to interact with the actors and creating a story which told a message was one of his most rewarding experiences at Azusa Pacific.

When he graduates, Williams plans to use his skills in directing and cinematic production in a Christian organization where he can make media sharing Jesus with the world. If he could give advice to incoming freshman, he would tell them, “give 110% to everything you put your hands to. Even if it seems insignificant, God uses all of it. God wants to see us be diligent in the smaller things before He entrusts us with bigger and better things. Also, never forget the people around you. Don't become so tunnel visioned that you forget the people who mean the most to you. God wants us to work hard, but He also wants us to serve others. Find a balance between your work and the people around you.”