Please describe a favorite memory from your time at APU.

I will never forget the time I was able to sit and counsel a student academically and pray with them to gain clarity and direction as they moved through the college phase of life. Those moments are so cherished. I love that we are given the time and space to meet with students and to build incredible mentoring relationships.

Please describe your career outside of and before APU, including non-teaching positions.

I actually studied makeup artistry for film and television, and spent a number of years as a freelance makeup artist. I have done makeup for PBS, Fox Searchlight Pictures, and travelled for M.A.C. Cosmetics. I taught summer art courses at The Webb School, and I worked for many years as a public high school art teacher.

What makes you passionate about teaching your particular subject?

The visual arts brings together so many of the things we hope our kids learn in school: Resilience, problem-solving, creativity, social and emotional learning, acceptance for who you are, and grit. Because I have seen art cause students of all levels to absolutely THRIVE, I believe it is imperative for all students to have an art experience TK-12 and beyond. Art educators are life-changers. I am so passionate about supporting future art educators because I believe God has given me such an opportunity to spread this truth.

What’s your advice to someone pursuing a career in the field you teach?

For anyone headed into the field of art education, continue to stay connected with other art educators so that you can continue to be inspired and feel the support of the art community around you. Whether that is virtually via social media groups, or through outside creative maker groups, it is important to stay up on current trends in art education and to try new things.

What projects, if any, are you currently working on? Please tell us a little about it.

I am currently working on our second Art Conference hosted at APU for Artists and Educators. The conference supports and unifies those in the art community who don’t typically have opportunities for professional development and art experiences. APU’s art conference will be held virtually on July 16th through 17th with the aim to support art through lectures, presentations, and workshops. We support the TK-12 teachers, artists, museum educators, and higher education art community.

If you were given the platform to share a piece of wisdom with the world, what would you say?

Continue to ground our next generation in biblical truth and create spaces for us all to live in community so that we might speak honestly with love, promoting and supporting the only agenda that matters: God's love for us ALL.

Professor Weaver is an advocate for art education while also creating spaces for students and educators to thrive and make an impact in their communities.