Professor Marcia Berry teaches in both the Communication Studies Department and the Honors College. Some of her awards include the Faculty of the Year at two prior institutions, Speech/Debate Coach of the Year in 2017, and the Uncommon Citizen Award for Faculty 2011. She most recently published the journal article Using initial, derived, and terminal credibility to help students understand how they are perceived by others, Communication Teacher in 2017.

What was your career like before coming to APU?

I was a professional mime for 5 years in Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in Canada and the Netherlands before I came to APU. I am a trained Mime in the white-face tradition of Marcel Marceau. I toured with YWAM for many years. The fun thing is that I now focus on public speaking....the silent mime now teaches others to talk!

Describe a time where you felt you had found your calling in your field of study.

Every time I see a student overcome a major hurdle--I come alive. When I hear a good speech that a student has prepared well--I come alive. I come alive when the students are learning.

What has been the proudest moment of your career so far?

[My proudest moment was] when two different department chairs called me a "master teacher."

How do you see APU’s Mission Statement intersect with your teaching style/courses?

APU's mission statement says, " develop a Christian perspective of truth and life." My work builds on developing [this] by teaching students how to articulate their Christian understanding as well as being able to speak clearly in their chosen professions. Public speaking training serves the focus of APU's Mission Statement.

What are your ultimate goals when it comes to teaching the next generation?

[My ultimate goals are] to have my students know they can give speeches when it is necessary. They still may not like giving speeches but they can do it. With that self-knowledge comes professional confidence. That makes me smile--every time.

Where is your favorite spot on APU’s campus? Why?

The Rose Garden [on East Campus]. My office is there. I can look out the window and see the beautiful roses. I can see people pass by. It is a wonderful place to have my office.

What’s your advice to someone pursuing a career in the field you teach?

Make sure you like listening to speeches!