After 34 years of service in the School of Music at Azusa Pacific University, Dr. Dennis Royse is retiring. We talked with Dr. Royse and asked him about his time here at APU. He shared three parting words of wisdom for the faculty, staff, students, and alumni.

First, he said, “Whatever you do, do as unto the Lord. If you do that, every day, each day prepares you for the next. Put a few of those days together and you soon have 34 years of an amazing journey.”

Second, he encourages us to be grateful, constantly, for everything. "I am overwhelmed with gratitude for all the opportunities I have had over the past 34 years. We were a young school when I started. Over the years, I have gotten to direct the Orchestra, Men’s Choir, Oratorio Choir, and the Jazz Band. I coached the Chamber Strings and the Jazz Combos. I taught Jazz Improv, led the Music Education program, and was the founding chair of the Graduate Program for the School of Music. I had opportunities to travel and present papers - Oxford, Hawaii, touring in Armenia with the Handbell Choir twice, travelled to India to study Ethnomusicology twice - who gets to do all that?  What a rich experience I have had thanks to all those opportunities! I am truly blessed!"


Last, Dr. Royse challenges us to “Be happy! It’s a choice, and those around you deserve nothing less. I’ve never had an unhappy day at work.”

The School of Music honored Dr. Royse’s service by naming a new graduate student award this year - the Dennis Royse Graduate Achievement and Academic Excellence Award. This new award is given to a student completing their graduate degree in Music, and clearly demonstrates achievement with performance skills and academic excellence. Joseph Verbal, MM ‘18, was named the first recipient this May.

The university honored Dr. Royse’s service by naming him this year’s recipient of the Chase A. Sawtell Inspirational Faculty Award and granting Dr. Royse Professor Emeritus status.