Why did you choose to study Cinematic Arts?

“My interest in film began when I was eight when my brothers and I would make films at camp. The Lord of the Rings movies really inspired me. It brought me into another world that was so interesting. It was one of the films that I saw with Christian values, but wasn’t necessarily a ‘Christian’ film. I really liked that. By the time I came to APU I knew cinema was what I wanted to study.”

What is your current career? How did APU help you succeed?

“APU got me an internship with Alcon Entertainment through a connection with my screenwriting teacher. It really helped me experience the film industry. After graduating some friends and I started filming weddings, commercials, and whatever else we could do. Eventually I went on IMDB and looked up my top 100 favorite animated films and found the editors and asked them for advice. From there, I got connected with an editor who put me in touch with a post-production supervisor from Netflix, which is how I got that job. At Netflix I did internal marketing, editing trailers for shows like Stranger Things and The Crown. After doing freelance projects I worked for Trailer Park, a studio that does trailers for movie theaters. From that company I went on to Dreamworks, where I currently am an Assistant Editor working on films coming out in 2021. It took me four years to get to Dreamworks after graduating.”

What was the most meaningful experience you had at APU?

“The first would definitely be Mexico Outreach. I did that twice. Going to the orphanage down there really sparked my interest in making films with a purpose that focus on people with a passion for helping others. I thought of the advice that Fred Rogers’ mother gave him when he saw scary things in the news, ‘Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.’ This is what motivated me in my documentary projects which focus on the helpers in dire situations. Secondly, my senior capstone project film enabled me to build amazing friendships that I still have to this day.”

If you could give a word of advice to future and current students, what would it be?

“In the film industry I would say to remember that anything you work on has your stamp on it. Don’t be afraid to say no to projects if they violate your convictions.”

How has your Christian-based college education impacted your career?

“It strengthened my faith. I enjoyed chapel and outreach opportunities as well as the community that I had at APU. Working with people who can support you on a spiritual level was really important.”

Please describe any charity or volunteer work you’ve done.

“The refugee documentary that I’m doing is a completely volunteer project.”

To learn more about Tom’s latest documentary Forced from Home visit: https://refugeedocumentary.com/

Date: November 26, 2019