Describe a time where you felt you had found your professional calling.

I always knew I wanted to be an actor, but in 2018, for the first time in my life, I was questioning my decision. Just as I was pleading to God for serious direction, I was cast as the lead in Our Town. My passion was reignited and I was incredibly blessed to work with a director, Darryl Hovis, who reminded me why and what it is we do as artists. The story of Our Town cuts you to your core and really makes you think about life and your interactions with other people. Seeing how the story affected our audiences was humbling and I felt like I wasn't acting for me, but I was acting in service to other people, to tell a story with so much truth and heart. That was a powerful moment. I love how theatre is a collaboration with people from all walks of life. Together we are a living mosaic that breathes life into the art we create. To be able to do that and to showcase all kinds of perspectives and explore the truths of humanity, that's at the core of what I do, and that is what my calling is.

Why did you choose to study your particular major?

My dad was a restaurant owner, so I was surrounded by business decisions and processes my whole life. I wanted to have the knowledge in order to one day create my own business. I specifically chose international business because I love traveling and I have quite an international mindset. I am fascinated with how different cultures operate their business and how the values of a nation can impact their economic systems.

I added the BFA because I always loved acting. Truly, it's what I always wanted to do since I was out of the womb. I did theatre in high school, but I was wary about going to university and being an acting major. I thought I had to get a "legit degree," cause that's what society tells you. BUT, one of most pivotal moments in my life occurred during my first week of APU. The theater department used to host the 24 Hour Play Festival. I was not admitted into the program, but I heard about it and I decided to show up and participate! Man, I was a gutsy 18 year old. I wasn't on the list, but Matt Gilmore let me in. I got to act with some of the best actors in the department. Their words of support in terms of my budding talent, as well as the extraordinary culture of a theater department that is God-centered AND offers really incredible training, was a no-brainer that God brought me to APU for a reason. So I auditioned and the rest is history!

How has your Christian-based college education impacted your career?

The education I received at a Christian-based college has taught me to always give God the glory for any success (big or small) that happens in my career or life. It also taught me to do everything with integrity and to trust God that He created me with unique skills and passions for a reason, so I shouldn't dismiss them because He can use them in unexpected ways.

If you could give a word of advice to future and current students, what would it be?

Focus on crafting longevity with your passion, rather than accomplishing everything by a certain age. This is a mindset I cultivated during quarantine and it has really freed my mind and changed the way I see my career and my life. God willing, I want to be an actor until I'm 100, so there's no rush to get all the success now. In tandem, comparing your successes to other people or insisting that things need to happen by your ideal timeline is not sustainable.

Mayreni Sweis is a budding actress from the Bay Area who also received a Bachelor of Science degree in International Business ('19). Her website,, celebrates women’s voices and experiences, while exploring travel, food, arts, culture, beauty and more!