Why did you choose to study your particular major?

I knew I wanted to further my art education so that I could grow as an artist and have the opportunity to teach college-level art.

Describe a time where you felt you had found your professional calling.

When I was 17, I fell in love with painting in my high school art class. I knew with such a strong pull that I was born to do this. There was no looking back.

Describe your career and relate how APU helped you succeed.

I work as a full-time artist. I have been painting over 20 years. I have had a number of side jobs to support my jewelry and art business. Pursuing an MFA at APU helped me to grow as an artist. The intensity of the program, different voices and really awful critiques. The criticism I received helped me to dig deep. I had to solidify the "Why?" and that was the greatest gift I could have received.

What was the most meaningful experience you had at APU?

I met remarkable people both as my professors and mentors, along with classmates and peers. The handful of people I deeply connected with will be lifetime friends. I am so grateful for these professional and personal friendships.

If you could give a word of advice to future and current students, what would it be?

Dig deep, ask why and don’t give up.

How has your Christian-based college education impacted your career?

I currently teach as an adjunct at Point Loma Nazarene University and made the connections for this job while I was a student.

Please describe any charity or volunteer work you've done.

I do a kindness calendar with my daughter. We do random acts of kindness for people. I also volunteered with Young Life for years during undergrad and spent my spring breaks with Potters Clay Ministry building homes in Mexico with Westmont College.

Is there anything I’ve missed that you’d like to share about your career and how you got to where you are now?

I have worked really hard. I have not let rejections stop me. I was never the talented art kid but I had so much love for the arts. I am grateful to those that saw my heart and supported me along the way. In my undergrad I took a night class of jewelry metalsmith and learned how to forge metal and make my own jewelry. This has been a slow progression into a full time job. I also spent 3 years living in Italy and started a one of a kind clothing business where I hand printed my own textiles and sold my unique designs to a boutique right across the Ponte Vecchio. My time in Italy was so valuable as an independent woman and showed me that anything is possible.

Kelsey is a multi-media abstract painter and jewelry maker with extensive printmaking experience from S.A.C.I in Florence, Italy. You can find more of her work at www.giustajewelry.com or follow her on instagram @kelsey_overstreet.