Did you attend or are you attending graduate school outside of APU? If yes, please list degree(s) and institution(s) along with graduation year.

Master's of Fine Art from Claremont Graduate University, 2015

Why did you choose to study your particular major?

I love making art, and I love the camera.

Describe a time where you felt you had found your professional calling.

When I sold my first work from my grad school studio, I knew that I wanted to focus on making art into a career instead of a hobby to go along with teaching.

Describe your career and relate how APU helped you succeed.

I'd done various jobs in the photo/video/art world since graduating high school in 2006, and I never planned to go to college. I decided to attend APU after visiting a friend in the art program, and it was at APU where I met the professors who encouraged my art career. They pushed me to attend grad school, which is where I was able to meet other professors and art world professionals - and my grad professors were the catalyst for me gaining gallery representation, which has allowed me to show my work across the country.

What was the most meaningful experience you had at APU?

Being offered a second thesis show my senior year was very meaningful - it showed me that my professors were supporting me and wanted me to succeed.

If you could give a word of advice to future and current students, what would it be?

Start to develop a plan for your finances now - not after you graduate, or after you get a job. It's hard to manage debt and having a plan ahead of time is huge.

Please describe any charity or volunteer work you've done.

I donate artwork to charity and benefit auctions as often as I can. It's a great way to give something that is meaningful to me, but also has much higher value than anything else I can give.

If applicable, please copy your website or any links you'd like us to include.

evantrine.com, @evanpaultrine (instagram)