Why did you choose to study your particular major?

Since I was a kid I was a leader. I have a combination of natural leadership and leadership influenced by my parents. I was always very good in school, and everything was very easy for me. It was in music that I started to find not only something that really challenges me every day, but also something that I really enjoy doing. This combination of music and leadership brought me to the clear decision of the profession that I wanted to pursue: a conductor of opera, orchestra, ballet and choir. I get to work with multiple people worldwide, help them to become better, and share their voices through the art.

Describe your career and relate how APU helped you succeed.

APU was my first arrival to the US. Professors, staff and classmates helped me to clarify my full value in a worldwide perspective. When I arrived at APU, I had conducted mostly in Latin America. My professors helped me to discover my full potential as a conductor in the full international scene. Then, I started to get noticed by Europe and Asia and that has been a great adventure. There are so many mentors in APU that helped me to think even bigger.

What was the most meaningful experience you had at APU?

I had the unique opportunity of being the orchestra and opera conductor at the same place where I studied. I was given so many opportunities to really conduct and it was very special. I was able to do a Rachmaninov Piano concert with a close friend, and conduct Tchaikovsky’s 5th. One of the most memorable moments was when I had the pleasure to lead the APU Symphony performing “Colombia Tierra Querida”, the non-official anthem from my country. Seeing musicians from different parts of the world, enjoying, dancing, and smiling because of Colombian music was beautiful!

If you could give a word of advice to future and current students, what would it be?

Take advantage of all the opportunities APU can bring you. APU offers so many things, and you have to be focused to use the ones that go with your dreams and select the ones for your unique path. Use this time to create real friendships based on the person, and not based on the majors or profession perspectives. I can say that me and my wife made really good friends here. When we visit San Gabriel valley, we also see them again.

Is there anything I’ve missed that you’d like to share about your career and how you got to where you are now?

Just thank you to all my professors, staff and classmates at APU. My time, during my master’s degree, was a really amazing point of my life. My wife and I will always remember it with happiness because of the people there. Thank you!

Diego is a Colombian-born and worldwide-trained Opera and Orchestra Conductor. You can learn more about his work at https://www.barbosavasquez.com.