Dhyana released a new single, “A Little Faith”, in July 2021, performed and created music videos for two original songs, “You are my King” and “I Run to You” for the Angeles Worship Initiative in August 2021, and is the Worship Director at Trinity Church of the Nazarene.

How has your Christian-based college education impacted your career?

Thanks to APU, I feel so much more prepared — technically, spiritually, and theologically. I feel like I can confidently embrace any challenge my job presents!

Why did you choose to study your particular major?

Initially, I was in the Commercial Music Program. But after being invited to participate in a songwriting camp with Tommy Walker and other APU students, I felt called to [both] songwriting for the church and to worship leading as a career. It was the first time I envisioned [this] as an actual occupation. Not to mention, everyone in the Worship Program was amazing!

What is one of your most trusted resources (book, podcast, specific tool etc) in your craft/creative process?

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron [is one of my most trusted resources.] I highly recommend this book/course to anybody eager to enhance and improve their creative routines and/or get over creative blocks.

If you could give a word of advice to future and current students, what would it be? Do you have a study tip for current APU students?

[I would advise future and current students to not] give up. God has a plan for you. Also, keep notes from the classes you really like - they become really helpful if you end up pursuing a career in your degree or field! Don’t overload your schedule, if you can afford to, and plan ahead!

What was the most meaningful experience you had at APU?

I can think of so many [meaningful experiences at APU.] One [particular experience] was going to Alpha training in San Francisco. I’d never seen the city in that way. It was so powerful to serve people in a way that was meaningful, even if it was short term. I also made so many friendships during that time, so I remember it fondly.

How have you learned to steward and care for your heart practically?

Spending time with God daily is what keeps me centered, productive, and joyful. If I don’t do it, I feel like I’m missing something; I’m more prone to irrationality and self-doubt. Learning what works in my time with God has helped me recognize where he wants me to grow, and where I can find rest. Not everybody’s “Jesus time” looks the same, and that has been pivotal in my relationship with God and with myself.