
APU’s Angeles Worship Initiative equips congregations for intergenerational worship, vibrant artistry, and Christian community.

Our Values

Transforming worship is fostered through:

  • A greater awareness of the transcending mystery and beauty of our Creator.
  • A deeper understanding of Christ and his ongoing work in the world.
  • The renewing work of God’s Spirit in our daily lives.
  • A rich theological imagination.
  • A commitment to greater depths of Christian community through intergenerational and multicultural worship with diverse expressions of faith.
  • A vibrant, artistic community, dedicated to glorifying God through excellence and craftsmanship.
  • Personal relationships that provide opportunities for growth, mentoring, and spiritual formation.

Core Principles


Those who worship are sustained and nurtured through reflective practices and Christian community. These practices can foster growth in the individual while contributing greater depth to the gathered community of faith. With this in mind, we value the fostering of a rich theological imagination and a strong foundation strongly rooted in biblical understanding.


Creativity is not an end itself. However, we are creatures with creative capacity and the ability to develop this creativity on behalf of others. We value the development of artistic discernment and a creative approach to worship leadership.


Philippians 2:3-4 provides a beautiful depiction of servanthood and true humility: “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.” As worshipers and worship leaders, we have the grand privilege and responsibility of serving others in and through our worship.


We affirm that worship involves all of who we are: mind, heart, soul, strength. This all-encompassing nature of worship calls us to our best selves, and to a level of preparation that reflects our care and compassion for those we serve.