The task force focusing on international internationalization, led by Jim Adams, Ed.D., executive director of the Center for Global Learning & Engagement (CGLE), discusses goals related to the accreditation process. “One of the most important topics [in our discussions] is student learning outcomes” said Frances Wu-Barone, Ph.D., global learning specialist. “Are they in line with our goals? Can we produce evidence to show we’re accomplishing these goals? These are the types of questions we ask.” The CGLE also plans to launch an annual award recognizing a faculty member dedicated to advancing intentional internationalization in his/her work, as well as develop an assessment system to encourage international and intercultural teaching, learning, and research across disciplines. “Our intentional internationalization vision is as timely now as it was when founder Mary Hill took students abroad to do missionary work. Our task is to provide a variety of accessible and meaningful experiences for students and faculty to explore the world through study, service, and scholarship,” said Adams. The task force continues its discussion and evaluation during this preparation process, and looks forward to intertwining their efforts with the broader university community.