Tessie Scavone: My Faith Revitalized
Tessie Scavone ’21, MA ’23, found hope in God in the midst of the global COVID-19 pandemic, revitalizing her personal faith. At the beginning of her college journey, Scavone came to Azusa Pacific University to join the swim team and pursue a degree in communication studies. While faith has always been part of her life, she was primarily focused on her studies and athletics at the time. Then with the onset of the COVID pandemic, everything changed.

In 2020, APU closed in the middle of its spring term, and students were sent home, finishing classes online. Despite losing her normal life rhythms—school, swimming, friends, life on campus, Scavone used these major life changes to refocus her attention on her faith. She had the chance to truly dive into Scripture where she experienced God more profoundly than ever before.

“In 2020 God clearly revealed himself to me. I was able to deepen my faith and knowledge of God. By exploring the Word, I found myself convicted of my beliefs, and growing every day.”

During remote learning, she continued to develop relationships with classmates and professors, engaging in meaningful discussions and interactions with those in her academic community. “My swim team, the Department of Communication, and the School of Education are all tight-knit communities that have supported me throughout my college experience. My classmates and teammates don’t just talk about classwork, but life, spirituality, and other things that truly matter. All along my journey, professors have spoken into my life, affirming my strengths and skills, and pointing me toward the Lord.”

Throughout this time of growing her faith, God directed Scavone toward a new career path. She felt a clear calling to the field of education, prompting her to pursue graduate studies and credentialing at APU with the goal of becoming an elementary school teacher.

“Every day at APU has provided me with a deeper understanding of who God is and who he made me to be.”

Post graduation, Scavone plans to pursue a career as an elementary school teacher, with the hopes of becoming a principal or administrator one day. “After a long road, God has blessed me with a love for mentoring children. I’m excited to use the skills God has equipped me with to pour into others.”