Team Samoa did a little bit of everything. During their first few days, they held a seminar for coaches, instructing them in drills, plays, and a variety of other skills that would help them to be better coaches to their students. After the seminar, they were able to lead a Bible study for the coaches.

The team traveled to several villages where they hosted vacation Bible school to the children. In the evenings, the team presented "Youth Night Live" where members would lead worship, perform skits, share testimonies, and present the Gospel.

During the second part of their trip, the Samoa team partnered with Flame Ministries, an organization that works with street kids and runaways. The team helped pick up trash in the area, ran sports camps, played with the kids, and just spent time with them. Through their time at Flame Ministries, Team Samoa was able to encourage two students to pursue college. The team collected enough money to send those two students to college for a year.

Ten children received Christ through their sports camp and 35 kids received Christ through Vacation Bible School.