Juliana Ingersoll '06 is back at APU’s annual Teacher Interview Day looking for the next step in her career. Two years ago, she graduated from APU, participated in the event, and was offered her first full-time teaching position with Upland Christian High School, where she teaches Spanish. Now's she's back again, and hopes to find a position with a public school.
APU alumni, like Ingersoll, are using Teacher Interview Day as a resource in their job search. This year representatives from 38 school districts conducted more than 150 interviews.

Teresa Hely, representing Bartow Unified School district came to the event in search of math, science, and special education teachers. “We’ve come to Teacher Interview Day in years past,” said Hely, “and we continue to come back because we’ve always found great candidates here.”

Tyler Burns '08, a candidate and recent graduate of APU, was at the event meeting with possible employers and interviewing with representatives from South Hill Academy and the Burbank Unified School District. Tyler hopes this resource will lead to a job offer. “This event has been great because you don’t have to drive to all of the job opportunities, they come to you,” he said. “I have been able to interview with multiple school districts that I may have not been able to otherwise.”

Providing these opportunities to teacher candidates are vital due to the recent cut backs in education. “We are seeing shortages across the nation, but especially in California,” said Lynn Pearson, director of the Office of Career Services. “All of the cut backs in school budgets have lessened the availability of teaching positions. Now, an excess of experienced teachers makes it more difficult for recent graduates to find jobs.”

Azusa Pacific University’s Office of Career Services and the School of Education, work hard to provide events such as these that match up qualified candidates with in-demand jobs. Teacher Interview Day continues to bring together school districts, APU students, and alumni to make valuable connections.