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Staff Saturday: Karen Rouggly ’05, DMin Shares the Light of Christ in All She Does
November 09, 2024 | Written By Saundri Luippold

For Karen (Denning) Rouggly ’05, DMin, the dazzling lights that illuminate broadway shows inspired her to pursue a career in theater, as she aimed to become the next famous star. She attended Azusa Pacific University, unexpectedly immersing herself in transformative service opportunities. Through mentorship, relationship building, and developmental experiences on Global Engagement trips, Rouggly discovered that the brightest light in her life is Jesus, and she wanted to be a beacon of His goodness. As a campus pastor and the director of the Office of Service and Discipleship (OSD), Rouggly makes every student she connects with feel seen, cared for, and encouraged to deepen their relationship with the Lord through their calling.
Rouggly grew up in the Bay Area, and she knew from a young age that she wanted to go to college in Southern California. “I absolutely fell in love with APU’s campus the first time I stepped foot here,” she said. Having gone to public schools her whole life, Rouggly was grateful to find a place where academics and faith aren’t separate. In fall 2001, Rouggly started at APU. “Back then there wasn’t a theater degree, so the closest thing I could study was communications with an emphasis in theater,” she said. “Later in my college career a theater major was introduced and I was able to add it, however, I learned how much I love communications. I love talking, studying how people communicate, and learning about all the ways teams work.”
Rouggly never lost her passion for theater. “I believe everyone has something artistic that they are so drawn to, something that tugs at their heartstrings because it helps you see the power of art to push boundaries and beautifully capture the stories of those who might be different from you,” she said.
Rouggly’s posture of empathy and love for knowing others was the catalyst God placed in her heart, leading her to engage in service as an undergraduate. She joined a relief team with students and staff that went to New York after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. “I learned so much about what it means to respond to tragedy with hope, knowing we bear God’s goodness in the world,” she said. Rouggly was an alpha leader and completed her leadership training in San Francisco’s tenderloin district, where she started to broaden her interest in urban ministry. When she discovered a Global Engagement trip to South Africa during her junior year, Rouggly knew God was calling her to participate. “I came back from that six week trip a changed woman. I was awakened to new aspects of myself I didn’t even know existed.”
After graduating from APU, Rouggly led an eight-week mission trip to South Africa. She made strong connections with the non-profit the team partnered with, and they offered her a job running the company’s office in the U.S. Later Rouggly worked with an Azusa non-profit called Neighborhood Homework House, where she learned what it was like to devote her full-time career to being invested in the local community. “What God started for me at APU was figuring out how to weave local, national, and international service together to help me grow in my own discipleship while learning what it means to be part of a community,” she said. Rouggly went on to earn a Masters of Intercultural Studies and Community Development at Fuller Theological Seminary, and a Doctor of Ministry degree in Leadership and Global Perspectives from Portland Seminary at George Fox University.
In 2011, Rouggly found an opportunity to return to APU. “When I discovered that I could provide opportunities to steward and shepherd students in a pastoral way, I jumped at the chance because APU was incredibly lifegiving for me,” she said. “I wanted to share that same experience with our current students.”
Rouggly has served in a variety of capacities throughout the past 13 years. She worked for the Center of Student Action (now OSD) to connect students with local ministry opportunities, later transitioning into higher roles and becoming the director of the office. When OSD merged with the Spiritual Life team at APU in 2018, Rouggly assumed a campus pastor role. “I love everything about my job. It’s the best job ever!” From selecting partners for service teams, to leading discipleship groups and preaching in chapel, Rouggly faithfully and happily plays a part in transforming students’ spiritual development.
So many people came alongside me in college, who challenged me, spoke truth, and showed me different things about God’s character and myself. I love being able to do that for students, inviting them into understand what it means to live in community.
When she’s not working, Rouggly enjoys spending quality time with her husband Seth ’05, who she met as a student during her undergraduate years. They have two sons, Eli (age 12) and Boaz (age 9). “My children teach me and challenge me to grow,” she said. The Rouggly family can often be found together at APU and with students on Local and Global Engagement trips.“They bring a multitude of joy in my life, and it is a privilege to exemplify what it means to work for God’s glory.”