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Staff Saturday: Everette Brooks Establishes Lasting Bonds with Veteran Students
November 16, 2024 | Written By Saundri Luippold

Teamwork is at the heart of Everett Brooks’ calling and journey through serving in the U.S. Army. “Baseball was my first love, but when that dream wasn’t realized, I knew I needed to join another team,” he said. For 12 years, Brooks served in the military as a veterinary specialist, in charge of food safety and medicine distribution for military animals. He now serves as the executive director of Military and Veteran Services at Azusa Pacific University.
Growing up in the Bay Area, Brooks’ life before joining the military was mostly spent playing sports. Brooks pursued a baseball career while attending community college, but decided to embark on the new path to which God called him. “I wanted to branch out of the environment I’d always known and see what I was capable of,” he said. In November 1987, Brooks began training at Fort Bliss in Texas. “The transition to such a strict atmosphere was difficult, but it made me the person I am today.” Brooks recalls spending his first day there cleaning bathrooms, confused as to why that was an aspect of training. Later, he realized how vital it was to teach the trainees about maintaining a well-kept space, something he carried with him as a veterinary specialist and beyond.
Brooks went to Belgium and Holland during his time in the military. “Being a part of the military in different parts of the world shaped me, underscoring the importance of discipline,” he said. The values of respect, reverence, and diligence were instilled in Brooks.
“When I returned to civilian life, I was confident I’d land a high paying job considering I had earned a master’s degree while in the military and had 12 years of experience,” he said. Brooks remembers an employer sharing with him after an interview that gaining a significant amount of experience outside the military would set him up for success even if he didn’t land a high position right away. This memory stuck with Brooks throughout his life. He often advises the students he mentors to work hard, even when they haven’t earned their dream job yet. “You have to show that you are responsible and are an excellent asset to a company before making it to the top.”
Brooks spent a decade at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, opening their first Veterans Center. In 2016, Brooks applied to APU, drawn to its faith-based education. “I was curious to see how faith would be embedded in the fabric of the university within Military and Veterans Services,” he said. Brooks loves praying with students and teaching them to put their trust in the Lord during seasons of uncertainty.
From writing grants, fundraising, and representing APU’s veteran community, Brooks is happy to devote his career to providing veterans students with opportunities to thrive as they earn their degree. “The best part is establishing relationships with veteran students. I always encourage them to build circles with each other because those bonds can last a lifetime.”
Mentorship is something veteran students can count on from Brooks. He fondly remembers a childhood friend who tutored him in math and science in exchange for sports training. “My friend showed me what it means to see where someone is at in their learning process and help them get to where they need to be,” Brooks said. He aims to help students eliminate the barriers standing in the way between them and their dreams, ultimately inspiring them to work hard toward their goals. “I can only do so much, though. Each student has to be self-driven to get to where they hope to be.”
When it comes to working together as a team, Brooks strongly believes in the importance of hearing another person’s story. “You can learn a lot from talking to a veteran, taking a step back to understand what their experience was like,” he said. Brooks’ willingness to listen to student stories and share his own proves just how vital community is to cultivating a strong team. From baseball, to the military, to APU, Brooks is grateful to commit his life to creating enduring relationships with others in whatever team he’s on.