So, You’re About to Graduate: Tips for Finishing College Well

Congratulations, graduate—you’ve come a long way and graduation day is close enough to taste. There’s so much to look forward to after finishing college that it may be a challenge to focus on the here and now.

Use these resources to help guide you in the final days and weeks of your undergraduate college experience, and know that the Azusa Pacific community is praying for you and your classmates as you get ready to cross that graduation stage and step into the next phase of life.

Getting Ready to Graduate

The season leading up to graduation comes with a variety of emotions and demands on your time. It may feel difficult to juggle all that is going on. Take practical steps to stay ahead of the game with your final college assignments, and carve out time for making memories with your college friends and community before the big day arrives.

Keep Reading: How to Stay Motivated When You’re a Graduating Senior

Keep Reading: Things to Do Before Graduation

Keep Reading: APU Commencement Information

Life After Graduation

Post-graduation life can be hard to picture at times, but it’s just around the corner. Whether you’re headed to a new place to pursue a job or graduate school or have plans that will keep you closer to home, there are ways to prepare for the journey ahead. The transition from college student to college graduate starts now.

Keep Reading: Now What? A Graduating Senior Reflects on Finishing College

Keep Reading: Preparing for Life After College: How to Find Community

Keep Reading: Office of Alumni Engagement

Job Search Resources

Looking for a job in the field you love can be a job unto itself—especially if you’re still in school, currently working, volunteering, or balancing other commitments. Lean on the resources APU provides for its network of alumni difference makers.

Keep Reading: What Students Can Do Now to Get a Job When They Graduate

Keep Reading: Center for Career and Calling

Preparing for Graduate School

You’ve earned that bachelor’s degree, and soon you’ll have the diploma to prove it, yet your higher education journey could still be unfolding. Perhaps you know that an advanced degree is needed for your field, or you might be considering how to be more competitive in your career prospects. If graduate school is a goal you want to tackle now or in the future, start planning now.

Keep Reading: A Graduate School Application Timeline: What to Do and When to Do It

Keep Reading: Yes, Financial Aid for Graduate School Is Available

Keep Reading: Writing a Purpose Statement: 5 Tips to Stand Out in Your Graduate School Application