The APU community and honored guests gathered to dedicate the Carl E. Wynn Academic Center on Thursday, February 4 with a ribbon cutting ceremony. Formerly the Carl E. Wynn Science Center, the recently renovated 30,000-square-foot building underwent an extensive $4-million remodel, and now enables the university to offer expanded facilities to better serve current and prospective students.

"The Wynn Academic Center solidifies APU's dedication to excellence," said APU President Jon R. Wallace, DBA. "The learning and growth that happens in these new classrooms will reflect that commitment."

The new center features 11 classrooms, an 1,800-square-foot lecture hall, 28 faculty and adjunct offices, two research laboratories, a library, computer room, and conference room. A new Welcome Center in the building offers prospective students and guests an inviting place to learn more about the university and serves as the starting point for campus tours.

APU's Honor's Program, Department of Psychology, and Department of Social Work are now housed in the renovated center as well. "The Wynn Academic Center allows psychology and social work majors to be under the same roof, giving them a better opportunity to create relationships and enhance the education process," said Executive Director of Development Louise Furrow.

Named for the Wynn Foundation, who paid for more than half of the original construction costs, the Carl E. Wynn Science Center was first dedicated on February 17, 1976. The original building was purposed to serve the 2,000 students attending APU at that time. The student body has greatly increased since 1976, and now includes more than 8,500 students. The recent completion of the state-of-the-art Segerstrom Science Center meets the university’s growing needs in the field of science, freeing the renovated Wynn Academic Center space to better accommodate other needs within the university community.

"The new facility is a great asset to Azusa Pacific," said senior journalism major Karla Shirvanian. "It is a beautiful facility that is comfortable and has everything a student could want. It will be a great place for future students because the building shows APU's commitment to giving students the best education possible—and with Wynn this is definitely possible."