Adams, who relocated from New Jersey, brings more than five years of youth ministry experience to the position. The Princeton Theological Seminary graduate has a passion for working with college students. She started her own campus ministry, Chosen Generation Ministries, as an undergraduate at Temple University in Pennsylvania, and most recently served as director of youth ministries at the First Baptist Church of Lincoln Gardens.

“When I read the campus pastor job description, I was excited and I knew it was something I wanted to do,” said Adams. “I hadn’t even been looking for jobs in California, but I felt called to pursue it.”

After an extensive interview process, Adams was offered the job and began the transition of moving to California and settling into her new role. “From the very beginning, I could tell this is a place where people are serious about discipleship and focused on Christ. My first few weeks at APU have been a whirlwind, but I have felt welcomed and supported the entire time,” said Adams, who used Campus Pastor Woody Morwood, D.Min., picking her up at the airport as an example of this welcoming atmosphere. “I know I am being set up for success and not once have I felt alone in this process.”

“We are thrilled to have Pastor Khristi join our team,” said Morwood. “She brings complementary gifts and strengths to the existing team of pastors as well as unique experiences and insights for our community of undergraduate students. She loves God deeply and her previous ministry experience in student ministries has prepared her for this role of preaching, pastoral care, and spiritual formation.”

Some of Adams’s responsibilities include preaching out of the book of Ecclesiastes at Senior Chapel, speaking at morning chapel about the spiritual discipline of Scripture, and leading Spiritual Formation Week. “When I preach, I want Scripture to come alive,” said Adams. “I also want to be the best pastor I can and APU is the perfect place for me to grow.”

When she is not preparing for sermons and juggling other responsibilities, Adams enjoys going to spin classes, eating Indian food, watching college basketball, and having drama television show marathons. She is adjusting to her new life in California and one of her first priorities is finding a home church.

Her priority at APU, however, is building relationships with those who will soon hear her preach. “Students should know that I am looking forward to getting to know them,” said Adams. She has already started forming relationships with students by spending time with Alpha Leader trainees participating in the Bridges program in San Francisco. “This coming year will be a journey for students,” she said. “And we will all be on this journey together, seeking spiritual progress and fulfillment.”