Master’s Degree in Public Administration: Why It Matters
Looking for a career with vast opportunities to make an impact on the world, and a growing number of jobs? Public administration may be the perfect fit, and a master’s degree in public administration can prepare you for this important field.

California has a growing need for publicly funded programs, which means an increasing number of jobs in the public administration field are likely to be available throughout the state. With this in mind, APU’s 36-unit Master of Public Administration (MPA) program prepares students to solve public problems through the use of Christ-centered leadership skills.

How You Can Benefit from an MPA

Many students who are looking for jobs in the public sector are finding an increased need to have an MPA. Employers are seeking individuals who demonstrate competence and can convert from managers into executives. Graduate-level studies in public administration can prepare emerging leaders to advance their careers in serving publicly-funded or nonprofit organizations.

Additionally, students in APU’s MPA program benefit from firsthand experience through access to the university’s Center for Public Affairs in Sacramento, located just a few blocks from the California State Capitol, as well as opportunities to partner with municipal advocacy groups on research projects. This furthers their preparation and puts them ahead of the pack when applying for jobs.

The Kinds of Careers an MPA Will Prepare You For

Designed around public sector jobs, an MPA will help you prepare for a variety of jobs in government and nonprofits. In fact, many APU graduates have gone on to positions in local, county, and state government. An increased need also exists in human services with more baby boomers retiring. A growing number of programs that service older populations and people are in demand and those with an MPA degree can help manage and lead organizations that provide these services.

Some of the other careers that an MPA can prepare you for include:

  • Police commissioner
  • Public housing manager
  • City manager
  • Social services director
  • Representative for the United Nations
  • CEO or COO of a company or a nonprofit

How an MPA Can Impact (and Influence) Your Future

The Master of Public Administration program at APU provides students with a comprehensive set of skills to meet the needs of any public sector organization, including the ability to oversee budgets, manage teams, and provide leadership. The program is offered entirely online, giving students the flexibility to enter and exit at any time while continuing to work. Online classes are held in convenient increments so you can finish the program as quickly as possible and take the next step in your career.

Are you interested in working toward a master’s degree in public administration at Azusa Pacific University? Learn more about the program and its curriculum.