"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven," the Bible says in Matthew 5:16 (NIV). Renowned lawyer and APU's School of Business and Management guest speaker Ken Starr also read these words as addressed the issue of integrity in today's world.

On Tuesday, April 26, Starr visited the APU campus and spoke to a crowd of fifty, including undergraduate and graduate business students, as well as some faculty and staff. "We're called upon as Christians to be people who are upright," said Starr. "People of integrity."

Starr, who currently serves as the dean of Pepperdine University's School of Law, was previously appointed to the Office of the Independent Counsel to investigate the Whitewater land transactions by President Clinton. He is well-known for his role in submitting to Congress a case for the impeachment of President Clinton on charges arising from the Monica Lewinsky scandal. His experience has taught him many valuable life-lessons, which he enjoys sharing with those entering his line of work. "There is a hunger in this profession for lawyers of integrity."

After the seminar, Starr was available for questions and discussion, and shared with students about opportunities at Pepperdine University's School of Law.