I Love Telling Stories: What Majors Are Best for Launching Storytelling Careers?

At its heart, storytelling is about connecting people to each other—and it’s a central part of what it means to be human. You may love telling stories, but don’t know how to spin that skill into a major or know what storytelling careers are available to you. We’ve got you covered!

Storytelling is an integral part of many different fields, and you can share compelling stories through writing, video, audio, design, or a combination of all those media. Honing your storytelling skills within your major can prepare you for storytelling careers in a range of fields. For example, you could:

  • Create documentaries that spread awareness of issues you care about
  • Develop online courses in your area of expertise
  • Write articles for online or print media outlets
  • Start or contribute to a podcast or web series
  • Work as a screenwriter for television or film
  • Explain the nuances of a case to a jury as a lawyer
  • Inspire people as a religious leader
  • Help companies promote their products and services as a marketer

Majors That Can Build Storytelling Careers

Azusa Pacific University recognizes the power of storytelling as a driver of creative, rewarding careers. Depending on your interests, skills, and calling, a number of majors at APU can offer you the opportunity to develop your storytelling skills. You could pursue a degree in the following areas:

The Arts


  • Entrepreneurship focuses on creativity and innovation as part of planning, launching, and leading a new business.
  • Marketing focuses on effective customer-oriented communication and on the intersection of Christian faith and ethical marketing practices.


  • Communication Studies helps you hone your oral and written communication skills as well as the soft skills you need to work with people.
  • Journalism prepares you to connect people and information through storytelling.
  • Public Relations teaches you to communicate strategically through media relations, social media, multimedia publishing, and public relations writing.


  • English builds your skills in thinking, reading, writing, listening, and speaking effectively.


  • Christian Ministries equips you with the knowledge and insight you need to make an impact on the world through your faith.
  • Youth and Family Ministries prepares you to use your storytelling skills to help shape and influence young people in positive ways.

For many of these majors, you can find detailed information about why the degree path might be a good choice for you, the skills you’ll build as you study in that area, and the jobs and storytelling careers you might land after you graduate; visit the program page and scroll down to explore the individual major brochures (not available for all majors).

Creating Your Storytelling Career at APU

As an APU student, you’ll have the opportunity to meet with a career consultant or your faculty advisor to discuss your options in storytelling careers. You might also find a paid or volunteer position on campus as an undergraduate where you can grow your storytelling skills and gain experience. And you can always meet with representatives in the Office of Student Employment, Student Affairs, or the Spiritual Life to learn about opportunities in those departments.

Looking ahead, once you graduate, you can join APU’s networking site, APU Connect, where you can get to know people in the APU community and build your professional network. You can also get active on the global networking site LinkedIn, and make sure you have letters of recommendation on hand from your professors so you’re positioned to take advantage of storytelling career opportunities.

Are you ready to learn more about the ways you can hone your storytelling skills at Azusa Pacific University and build a rewarding career? Check out our full list of majors and find the one that’s right for you.