I had no intentions of attending a Christian college. In fact, I aimed to go to the biggest college I could think of, as far from home as possible, and, if all went well, it would be secular and liberal. Mind you, I didn’t seek these things out because I was trying to get away from roots or family or faith; I simply thought this was how I should grow myself. I believed that I was supposed to be challenged in order to grow. God made it clear that this is not how HE had intended to grow me. Despite building my entire high school schedule on college prep courses, I managed to get turned down from every college I applied for. It wasn’t until after being completely disheartened and having no hope for my ideal future that God offered me His plan. It came a week before - from a friend who I had grown up with. Kyle had been bragging about getting accepted into Azusa for the duration of our final high school semester and had off handedly suggested I apply to his school for the spring semester. I did it that night. I mean, I was bored and what did I have to lose?

Here I am! I never thought I’d ever go to a Christian college. I never dreamed that I would allow myself to live in seclusion in the mountains for four months. To tell the truth, I never really believed God would work so hard to bring me as close to Him as I have grown. My time up here has been nothing short of amazing. I am an entirely different person since coming here, and I am beginning to truly understand how to be a Child of God. My worship has transcended, my prayer is more frequent, and the people I now am surrounded with bring me closer to the Lord in ways I never imagined. It’s difficult to express the kind of joy that we are blessed with in this little summer camp experience. It’s an blessing that I think few are offered and even fewer accept. I’m glad that I have a God who cares enough to BREAK me these opportunities.