Saturday September 1, 2007

Yesterday was an adventure when we took the train into Cape Town, it was crazy and hectic on the train, and we were standing for the entire trip about 20 min or so. Once we got into the train station our senses were on overload, all the smells, sounds, and things to see were amazing. Tons of people and shops and places to eat, nothing like what I know of train stations in the states. The first thing we did was eat lunch at Wimpy’s, a hamburger place. It always seems like were eating! Then we headed out in our groups to explore the city, see the historical sights and talk to some locals. We saw Parliament, and visited a brilliant garden! It was raining and cloudy all day but it was still amazing. That night we got to learn how to play action cricket! Which was a blast as I was on the winning team!! And we also got to play some indoor soccer. We got back pretty late and we were all spent, but stayed up of course and hung out.

Now Jessica, my roommate and I are at our home stay, where we will be for 14 days. We are staying in a house with 11 other people, it is a big house we share a room, but there are so many diverse people in the house, a guy from India, England, Zimbabwe (he is white though). In Africa it is ok and accepted to call people by their color. We are staying with a white family, and they have two daughters named Emily and Jessica; it was so funny when we found that out we were like no way! It has been raining the past few days and is really cold! But it should be warming up; today Sept. 1 was the 1st day of Spring!