April 22. Earth Day. One day out of the year to serve as a reminder of the steps each person can take to help steward and protect Earth's resources.

But really, every day should be Earth Day, and here at Azusa Pacific the Office of Environmental Stewardship and campus community make efforts to make APU a "greener" place.

In honor of Earth Day 2011: A Billion Acts of Green, here are eight ways APU contributes to bettering the environment:

  1. By changing standard bulbs around campus from 32 to 28 watt, APU decreases energy use and saves over $70,000 a year!
  2. Every year, Food Services donates more than 600 gallons of grease waste which is converted into bio-diesel fuel.
  3. Custodial Services uses 100 percent recycled paper products and environmentally friendly cleaning chemicals.
  4. APU e-waste gets sold, donated or recycled.
  5. In 2009, APU diverted 33 tons of cardboard from the landfill.
  6. APU also recycled 24 tons of scrap metal in 2009.
  7. In September 2008, APU received $193,364 from the Department of Conservation to begin a recycling program in all living areas.
  8. Since 2006, Facilities Management has installed more than 300 low flow showerheads to save more than a million gallons of water each year.

What are you doing to make a difference?