Hi! Well, it's been awhile since our last update. We've been really busy this past week but it's been very worth it. We have been working with the street kids since Monday and will be working with them through Sunday. They are an incredible group of kids and we have all grown to love them so much. I think that we are learning just as much from them as they are learning from us.

It has been so awesome to see how everyone's talents are coming out and the joy that these kids can bring. In the mornings we do work in the building such as painting, building shelves, etc. and in the afternoon we have a time of VBS with the kids. Then we feed them dinner and spend some more time with them. Tomorrow we are taking a bus to another city and having a mini, one day retreat with them. That should be fun!

We are all getting better, still a little sick but not as much as before. I think we will all be good for the jungle that is coming up next week. This has been a really long week so I think a lot of us are really tired.

We would appreciate your prayers for strength and rest and health. Thank you so much for your support and prayers. Your kids/friends love to hear when you've written and they all say, "Hi!" to you back at home.

Team Ecuador is Jacqueline Canon, Kerry Clark, Season Hammalian, Debbie Rhon, Amber Vandenraadt, and Amanda Vaus.