Charlie Reynolds: Igniting a Spiritual Fire
In a single day, Charlie Reynolds ’25 discovered his fiery passion for serving God. Growing up, most of Reynolds’ family and friends were nonbelievers, and faith was not an important part of his life. “I had heard about Christ, but I never truly knew who God was, or what he had done for me. I had a hunger deep inside me for something more, but I didn’t know what it was.” It was in high school that Reynolds had his breakthrough faith experience.

In Reynolds’ junior year, one of his teammates on the football team invited him to church. That day would be a catalytic moment for Reynolds, launching his faith journey. “When my friend asked me to go to church, I was nervous and didn't know what to expect.” What started as just a morning service turned into an all-day event, concluding with an evening service and Reynolds accepting Christ. “I don’t exaggerate when I say my conversion was radical. Before that day, I knew nothing about God. I came out on the other side with an insatiable desire to fervently love Christ and share the gospel with everyone. It was like a fire ignited in me.”

With his heart for evangelism, Reynold feels called to become a minister and said that being a student at Azusa Pacific University is life changing.

“In high school, my only Christian friends were at church. When I came to APU, I discovered other Christian students and professors wanting to dive deep into conversations and community. I am able to make meaningful relationships with brothers and sisters in Christ—people I can pray with and go to in times of need. I have been blessed to be able to walk with warriors of the faith right alongside me.”

In his studies at APU, Reynolds is being equipped for a lifelong career in ministry. Pursuing a major in Christian Ministries and a minor in Honors Humanities, he is encouraged by studying alongside like minded peers and professors in subjects that interest him. Reynolds notes the importance of his classes in preparing him for the future.

“My classes don't just skim the surface—every day I am challenged to confront aspects of the unexamined Christian life. I get to study what I’m passionate about in engaging and relevant ways. APU is equipping me with so much more than just a degree—it's helping me see how God is working and growing me.”

Stemming from his own testimony of being invited to church, Reynolds has a strong conviction toward outreach, inviting others to join him at church and APU community events. Recently, Reynolds participated in his first mission trip to Ensenada during spring break, expanding his vision to global outreach. "It was remarkable to see others' dependence on Christ, even in the face of homelessness and poverty. That kind of faith is what I want to embody in my life."

Reynolds plans to attend seminary after he graduates. "I am excited to continue pursuing God’s calling for my life, staying open to his guidance along the way.”