The Lilly Fellows Program in Humanities and the Arts selected Emily Griesinger, Ph.D., to serve a four-year term on its national board, representing 97 schools. The Lilly program seeks to strengthen the quality and shape the character of church-related institutions of learning through three initiatives. First, it offers postdoctoral teaching fellowships for students seeking teaching, scholarship, and leadership positions in Christian settings. Second, it supports students exploring vocations in church-related higher education during their first three years of graduate school in the Lilly Graduate Fellows Program. Third, it maintains a collaborative National Network of Church-related Colleges and Universities that sponsors a variety of activities and publications designed to explore the Christian character of the academic vocation and to strengthen the religious nature of church-related institutions.

Griesinger, professor in the Department of English specializes in religion and literature. She has written articles and essays for Christianity and Literature, Christian Scholar’s Review, Books & Culture, and Women’s Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, and has co-edited a collection of critical essays titled The Gift of Story: Narrating Hope in a Postmodern World (Baylor University Press, 2006). Her expertise in spiritual autobiography and memoir positions her well as a Lilly board member, contributing to the processes and policies that support scholars seeking meaningful vocation through Christian higher education.