On April 9, APU's Office of Career Services hosted its annual Career Fair. Various companies and organizations from the Los Angeles area came to recruit APU students.

Several companies, such as the Disney College Program, Pasadena Child Development Center, and Enterprise Rent-A-Car return to APU each year after finding successful candidates for employment.

“Although we typically like to recruit people with a background in child development, we come to APU because the students here have a real passion for children and are dedicated to the betterment of life,” said Tannia J. Shankster, APU alumna '07 and program assistant for the Pasadena Child Development Associates. “We have six or seven APU graduates currently, and it has been great to have them.”

“We recruit APU students because they are positive, enthusiastic, and are exactly what Disney is looking for,” said Andy DiGenova, recruit for the Disney College and CareerStart Programs.

Overall, the Career Fair allows students the opportunity to be exposed to a handful of employers and network, where it would otherwise be difficult to find. In exchange, employers find quality employees.

“I appreciate the opportunity that the Career Fair creates for students to make connections with a variety of employers,” said Jared Christenson '08, English major. “Face to face contact can be rare in this era of online applications, so getting to speak with people in person is a huge draw.”