April 29 marked a special evening in the lives of APU community members as they gathered to commission more than 150 students, faculty, and staff preparing to go on short-term missions trips this summer. Hosted by the Office of World Missions, the event offered attendees the opportunity to learn about and pray for each team.

Junior Grace Eleyae attended the event and was amazed by how it emphasized APU's Christ-centered legacy. "Even after 109 years, APU is continuing to promote their original mission statement of preparing Christian workers to go out into the world and spread the Gospel," said Eleyae.

This summer APU will send out 17 teams to countries around the world, including:

  • Nicaragua, May 10-June 20
  • South Africa, May 10-June 3
  • Uganda, May 14-June 5
  • Tanzania, May 15-June 17
  • India/Bangladesh, May 15-June 30
  • Vietnam, May 17-July 5
  • Bhutan/India, May 22-June 22
  • USA, New Orleans, May 24-June 19
  • Micronesia, May 31-July 5
  • India, Medical, May 8-29
  • Ghana Tamale, June 15-July 15
  • USA, Camden, New Jersey, June 15-August 15
  • Ukraine, June 26-July 29
  • USA, Utah, Summer, June 29-July 8
  • China, June 29-August 4
  • Ghana Accra, July 5-27
  • Dominican Republic, July 5-August 3

"I am most excited about what God's will is for us in South Africa. We have no idea what to expect; it is all a mystery. We just have to go with open hearts and minds, with no set agenda," said senior Lindsey Smith, member of the South Africa Paarl.

As short-term mission practitioners, the desire for each team member is to pursue excellence as they strengthen their effectiveness worldwide. The teams that are sent out conduct work projects, vacation Bible schools, street evangelism, and much more.