Today's students are passionate about social justice issues, including world hunger. In pursuit of expanding awareness regarding issues of national and global concerns, APU welcomed Ambassador Tony Hall, a leading advocate for hunger and relief programs to improve human rights conditions in the world, to kick off the university's Justice Week.

Hall served in the U.S. House of Representatives (D–Ohio) for more than 20 years, and more recently as ambassador to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and chief of the U.S. mission to the United Nations Agencies in Rome, which includes the World Food Program and the International Fund for Agricultural Development.

Hall's  visit on Monday, January 28 raised awareness as he spoke to students, faculty, and staff during chapel about his involvement with world hunger, and the government's role.

Following chapel, he met with approximately 40 students during an open session. The students were interested in learning more about the government's role in world hunger relief, what it is like for Hall to be a Christian democrat, and whether it is better to be involved with the government or the church. In response, Hall quoted Martin Luther saying, “We need good men in the church; we need great men in politics.”

At the close of the session, Hall set forth a challenge to students: to get involved with politics, visit local congressman, pray for world leaders, and always keep Jesus Christ at their side.