Becky Keife smiling

Words have the power to transform, inspire, and uplift others. Becky Keife, MA ’18, was born with a passion for writing, drawn to empowering, life-giving words. Her childhood dream of becoming an author came true within a journey of venturing into different career paths, fearlessly raising her three children alongside her loving husband, and discovering joy through the challenges of making her aspirations a reality.

From Whittier, Calif., Keife’s lifelong love of journaling and jotting thoughts down anywhere she could continued to grow. Keife studied creative writing at Cal State Long Beach in undergrad. While she was able to hone her skills through the years she spent there, Keife’s life took some unexpected detours after college. She worked in medical billing for a few years before becoming an editor at Azusa Pacific University in the University Relations office (now the Division of Strategic Communication and Engagement). Keife’s husband, Chris Keife, is the school’s head volleyball coach. 

After working at APU for a short time, Keife was a stay at home mom, taking care of her three boys. When her husband shared that APU was opening a Masters in English program, Keife was hesitant, aware of how deeply she wanted to pursue her calling, but unsure of how to juggle her responsibilities while returning to school. “I prayed, asking God where I would ever find the time and energy to add something else to my plate. I felt the spirit tell me, ‘This is what I have to prepare you for what’s next,’” Keife said. Lacking clarity of what God had planned for her, Keife took a leap of faith and chose to tackle the program one class at a time. “Within my first year it became clear to me what God had next.” While Keife had experience blogging and writing on different platforms, her English classes helped further equip her to leap into the world of Chirstian publishing.

One of the most influential people in Keife’s life is Joseph Bentz, PhD, who taught five of Keife’s classes during her time in the MA program. He became a mentor to her, introducing Keife to the many avenues she could take as a writer. Every week when she walked into his class, she read the question Bentz wrote on the board: “What is possible for me as a writer?” That question, along with Bentz’s guidance and encouragement, became instrumental in her career. “Dr. Bentz provided the tools and resources to launch a writing career, which took my dreams to the next level.” Throughout the entirety of Keife’s experience as a student at APU, she cherishes feeling seen as an individual, scholar, and writer.

During Keife’s graduate studies, she received a call from an editor she knew at (in)courage, a Christian women’s writing platform, inviting her to join the staff. “For years God had used that website as a source of spiritual encouragement for me as well as a model for women telling their stories, thinking deeply, and impacting lives through the power of words,” Keife said. She was grateful to be able to fully quit her medical billing job in order to pursue writing and editing as she continued working on her MA. Since working at (in)courage, Keife has written Bible studies and devotionals for the company.

When Keife graduated in 2018, her thesis project turned into the proposal for her first book. Within a month of graduating, Keife signed her first contract, and published No Better Mom for the Job: Parenting with Confidence (Even When You Don’t Feel Cut Out For It). “I was blessed with three incredible children within three and a half years. Motherhood is such a gift, however, I experienced a lot of feelings of inadequacy,” Keife said. Her book covers her realization that God has a plan and purpose for mothers, and she hopes that readers feel less alone if they’re facing similar struggles. “God meets us in the thick of everything we go through. He’s there when you’re playing with LEGOs on the living room floor with your kids, folding laundry, or having a meltdown.”

In 2021 Keife released another book, The Simple Difference: How Every Small Kindness Makes a Big Impact, which explores God’s kindness and how He invites us to be a conduit of His kindness to others, right where we are with exactly what we have.s. “It’s so easy to get overwhelmed by how big the world’s problems are. This book answers the question, ‘Can I even make a difference?’” Keife shared. She delivers the message that kindness can create a ripple effect to change the world. 

Keife recently signed another contract. Her next book will be released in 2025 from Waterbrook, an imprint of Penguin Random House.

In addition to her authorship and writing for (in)courage, Keife became a certified conversion copywriter and launched her flourishing business, Lightbulb Copy, less than a year ago. “Copy is words that sell. From supporting authors, speakers, and online businesses through email and website copy, my joy comes from serving people. Through writing I get to connect with others to capture their vision,” Keife said. 

Through all the twists and turns Keife has experienced in her journey as a mother, author, and business owner, she has grown closer to God, her calling, and her family. “I often pray that God would expand my capacity,” Keife said. “When I feel like I’m not enough I do my best to shift my gaze on Him. If God has called me to do something, He’ll equip me to follow through.”