APU Articles

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Team China

September 01, 2002

Team China was broken into two groups, serving at various locations, teaching English to high school students. Their purpose in going to China was to build relationships with the students in their classes, and after relationships were built, they have the opportunity to share with them the Good News.

Team Samoa

September 01, 2002

Team Samoa did a little bit of everything. During their first few days, they held a seminar for coaches, instructing them in drills, plays, and a variety of other skills that would help them to be better coaches to their students. After the seminar, they were able to lead a Bible study for the coaches.

Team Moldova

September 01, 2002

Team Moldova began as Team Kosovo, but God changed their plans and lead them instead to the little-known country of Moldova. Moldova is situated in Eastern Europe between Romania and Ukraine. The Moldova team partnered with a Euroteam to work with a local church in the town of Capriana. They knocked down walls, tore off the roof, and dug holes (and dug holes, and dug more holes) for foundations necessary to build a second floor balcony on the church.

Beach Break

August 27, 2002

L.A. by Subway

August 22, 2002

Though APU is close to Los Angeles, the city may seem like another world - until you become familiar with it. There are many exciting things to explore in L.A., even if you don’t have a car or lots of cash. Follow this guide to a car-less metro tour of the city, stopping at Olvera Street, Chinatown, downtown, Hollywood, and Universal Studios. Attempting the entire trip in one day would be exhausting. Arrange your own itinerary to fit your schedule. For an extensive guide to L.A., check out Lonely Planet’s Los Angeles.

APU Holds Barbecue for G.A.T.E. Participants and Families

August 05, 2002

With the at APU coming to an end, there was one last event for parents. Friends and family were invited to APU’s West Campus for a tour and barbecue. It was a time for students to exhibit what they learned and for parents to see the campus and the classrooms their children used.

APU's Summer Commencement

July 30, 2002

Azusa Pacific University’s undergraduate, graduate, and accelerated degree programs commencement was held July 26 at Cougar Stadium. David S. Dockery, Ph.D., president of Union University in Jackson, Tennessee, was the guest speaker. He advised graduates to "run the right race."

APU Hosts AUSD's Summer G.A.T.E. Program

July 19, 2002

Azusa Pacific University is the site of Azusa Unified School District's (AUSD) Gifted And Talented Education (G.A.T.E.) summer program.

CMA Holds 27th Vietnamese District Annual Conference at APU

July 18, 2002

The Christian and Missionary Alliance (CMA) held its Vietnamese District Annual Conference from July 12-16. The conference is held in a different state every year. This year it was held at Azusa Pacific with more than 80 participating churches.

Construction on the New Residence Hall to Begin August 1

July 17, 2002

On August 1, Azusa Pacific University will break ground on a new five-story residence hall. The facility will help to accommodate the rapidly growing student body.

SIE/A.I.M. Host Taiwanese Cultural Showcase

June 14, 2002

The School of Intensive English (SIE), now known as the American Languages and Cultural Institution, and the American International Mentoring Program (A.I.M.), joined forces once again to host the Taiwanese Cultural Showcase on June 13. Donovan Gray, DMA, associate professor of music, and his wife, Lana, hosted the event.

Food for Thought

June 07, 2002

Even during summer, APU students, faculty, and staff have an option of where to eat. The cafeteria is open every day Monday-Friday from 11:15 a.m.-1:30 p.m.

Notes from the Field: Ecuador, May 17

May 24, 2002

Hi! Well, it's been awhile since our last update. We've been really busy this past week but it's been very worth it. We have been working with the street kids since Monday and will be working with them through Sunday. They are an incredible group of kids and we have all grown to love them so much. I think that we are learning just as much from them as they are learning from us.

2002 NACCAP Conference Held at APU

May 22, 2002

The 2002 National Association of Christian Colleges Admissions Personnel (NACCAP) Conference was held at Azusa Pacific University from May 19-22. The purpose of the conference was to aid in professional development as well as a time for the admission’s counselors from the various colleges to network with peers.

The Town and Gown Phenomenon – Part 1

May 01, 2002

These words evoke images of quaint communities and velvet robes of the academy in thoughtful coexistence. Yet the flesh and blood reality of any relationship between a diverse town (i.e., city officials, community leaders, and residents with demographic influences related to socioeconomics, politics, religion, ethnicity, age, etc.) and a gown (i.e., a college or university replete with distinct attributes derived from institutional heritage and mission as well as community makeup) provides a window into the complexity involved in defining the scope of the exchange.