APU Articles

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The Sound of Music at APU

January 27, 2006

APU’s Department of Theatre, Film, and Television's production of The Sound of Music, directed by Bart McHenry, opened on Thursday, January 26. The first show was sold out.

Oxford: The Ultimate European Adventure

January 03, 2006

Is it baffling that APU students would trade the land of eternal summer for the land of eternal drizzle? After all, why would anyone want to relocate eight time zones away for four months?

The Legacy and Life-Lessons of Rosa Parks

December 01, 2005

Every life has a message, often told by defining moments not usually of our own choosing. Somehow though, our lives prepare us for our destiny. Such is the case of Rosa Parks, the former Alabama seamstress credited as the Mother of the American Civil Rights Movement.

KAPU: A Working Classroom

October 25, 2005

The 3rd Annual "Taste of the Town"

October 05, 2005

Outside APU's Felix Event Center the 3rd Annual "Taste" of the Town" had another successful year. The Taste of the Town runs in conjunction with Azusa Golden Days, a week filled with events including a 5K run, bingo, and a parade down San Gabriel Avenue.

Celebrating 165 Years

October 01, 2005

Team Russia

September 13, 2005

Team Russia partnered with Eastern European Outreach for a three week trip in the Mari-El Republic outside the capital city of Yoshkar-ola.

Team Refugee

September 13, 2005

One of every 180 persons on earth has been forcefully displaced from his or her home. When they make the desperate decision to flee, they escape to countries like Greece and Italy where they are treated as outcasts and criminals. In response to the marginalized treatment of these exiles, Team Refugee went to Athens and Rome to provide care and support.

The Faithful

September 01, 2005

Safe Keeping

July 26, 2005

For many students, it’s been three months since they last stepped foot on campus. They packed up their memories and drove away to endless visions of summer beach trips and barbecues. Now that it’s time to return to the welcoming arms of roommates and friends, and prepare for the new school year, students will be even more secure on campus.

Jesus, Social Action, and APU's L.A. Term

July 01, 2005

Jesus made social injustice a focus of his mission. Jesus chose to come off his throne to enter this world physically and to be raised in a poor family. His mother spoke of her “humble state” (Luke 1:48), and his parents’ temple offering for him was a poor person’s offering (2:24). Jesus told his disciples to drop everything and follow him. He had “nowhere to lay his head.” He and his disciples traveled about, engaged in loving and healing activity, while dependent on the hospitality of others.

Faculty's Summer School

June 13, 2005

As a question is posed, hands fly up, mouths open to speak, and ideas are exposed. More than 20 faculty members, with varying areas of expertise, plow through concepts of Shakespeare and meet a young man named Hamlet. There’s Biology and Communication Studies, Social Work and Biblical Studies – every dynamic represented by a brilliant mind. They agree and disagree, observe and discuss in hopes of arriving at some consensus, and if nothing else, discover a new profound respect for a colleague.

Extra Innings

June 01, 2005

Let’s get one thing straight: Kelly Strickland ’03 is no Matt Leinert. But when the Heisman Trophy winner and two-time national champion quarterback from the University of Southern California spurned the multimillion dollar riches of the NFL back in January in order to play his senior year of college, Strickland had to smile.