APU Articles

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APU Unveils Knowledge Over Time Mural

April 17, 2013

As the world celebrates the 500th anniversary of Michelangelo’s legendary frescoes on the ceiling of Rome’s Sistine Chapel, 50 Azusa Pacific University students created their own masterpiece that pays homage to his most famous panel, “The Creation of Adam.” The iconic image of God’s finger touching that of man’s is depicted in the first section of a 15-foot wall mural, entitled Knowledge Over Time, recently installed adjacent to Darling Library, in Duke Academic Complex.

APU Brings Real-world Finance Simulation to Local High School Students

April 08, 2013

APU partnered with the Azusa Unified School District and the Southern California Edison Federal Credit Union Foundation last October to teach 60 local highschoolers valuable money management skills. The event, called Mad City Money, drew students from Azusa and Gladstone high schools who belong to Think Together, one of California’s largest providers of after-school tutoring, as well as APU undergraduate students in the Personal Finance course.

New Vice Provost Named

March 25, 2013

began her new role as vice provost for undergraduate programs on January 1, 2013. As a recognized leader and scholar in pediatric nursing with a long history of important contributions to her discipline and the university, Bowden stands eminently qualified to help APU grow and strengthen under the Shared Vision 2022.

God at the Oscars

March 25, 2013

I can’t remember when the subject of God infused the films recognized at the Oscars like it did this year. It testifies to the power of story to shape and set the wet concrete of cultural imagination. To use a phrase from last year’s Oscar-nominated Moneyball, the medium holds a unique ability to “change the game” in ways few others can. God has always been a part of humanity’s best stories—if not their writer, director, and lead or best-supporting actor.

Why Do We Study Abroad?

March 08, 2013

Over the past 20 years, the number of American students who study abroad has steadily risen, according to a report by the Institute of International Education.

Establishing A College Connection

February 12, 2013

Students and their families had the opportunity to spend a day on campus with Azusa Pacific students, faculty, and staff. Focused on this year’s theme, “Dream and Achieve,” Connections offered informational panels and workshops to the 400 guests, which included students and their families. Panels covered topics such as financial aid and scholarships, studying abroad, student organizations, and academic departments. Families also toured campus; heard stories of current APU students; and were entertained by performances from Gospel Choir, the step team, and the poetry slam team.

Crystal Munoz ’12 Crowned Miss California Latina

February 12, 2013

At the Miss California Latina pageant award ceremony last November, Crystal Munoz ’12 stood in disbelief, humbled and thankful as the winning crown was placed upon her head.

Called to the Show

February 04, 2013

General Manager Chris Antonetti did call someone to the Show that day, but not a player—he promoted Niebla to major league interim pitching coach. A lifetime of playing and coaching prepared Niebla for the job, but not for the moment. Temporarily stunned, a flurry of thoughts and emotions ran through him, but barely surfaced for others to see. Then, with his signature poise and composure, he calmly accepted his dream job.

Called to the Show

Applying to Graduate School: Infrequently Asked Questions

December 11, 2012

Good students may not necessarily achieve the scores they want without adequate preparation. “The GRE is actually about test-taking strategies,” says Bentz. “Students can find the answers without solving the whole problem.” Students can take a prep course, study independently, or combine both approaches. The key is to begin preparing early.

Neuromarketing: How Retailers Get in Your Head

December 03, 2012

When Thomas Rotthowe, MBA ’93, DBA, walks into his local Starbucks in Munich, Germany, he sees more than a coffee shop—he sees a retail environment tailored to underlying processes in the customer’s brain. An expert in neuromarketing, a new field that focuses on consumers’ brain patterns during purchase decisions, Rotthowe’s work represents an innovative approach to marketing and heralds a shift in the way manufacturers, retailers, and marketers do business.

The APU Computer Store: A Valuable Service to the University

November 15, 2012

While Apple computer stores are known for their clean, sleek environment and friendly employees, Azusa Pacific University’s own Computer Store strives to bring a similar atmosphere to campus. Functioning on a solely nonprofit basis, the Computer Store sells all merchandise at wholesale and educational discount prices, and keeps APU on the forefront of technology by offering new Apple products upon release.

The APU Computer Store Offers Top Value and Service

November 15, 2012

While Apple computer stores are known for their clean, sleek environment and friendly employees, Azusa Pacific University’s own Computer Store strives to bring a similar atmosphere to campus. Functioning on a solely nonprofit basis, the Computer Store sells all merchandise at wholesale and educational discount prices, and keeps APU on the forefront of technology by offering new Apple products upon release.

Modern-Day Samaritans

November 05, 2012

In stark contrast, the priest’s and Levite’s actions clearly characterize them as indifferent to the suffering of others. According to Martin Luther King Jr., “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” The Samaritan did what was right, despite the burden the decision carried. In fact, the Samaritan risked his life to assist his wounded neighbor. King, who related helping the neighbor to assisting persecuted African Americans in their fight for not only basic civil and judicial rights, but also dignity and respect from others, thought of this parable and its application to present-day social justice when he wrote his well-known sermon “On Being a Good Neighbor.” King believed so strongly in the dignity of all that he vehemently opposed radical modes of protesting when his movement’s opponents moved toward reconciliation. He kept this goal in sight, dismissed the temptation to take revenge, and gained the increased respect of his adversaries as well as the occasional sharp criticism of his more acrimonious colleagues.

Meet Nicole Johnny, Senior Business Student

October 25, 2012

Johnny, a full Navajo, grew up in Crystal, a small town on the Navajo Nation in New Mexico. There she was surrounded by Navajo culture, especially in the form of arts and crafts. She knows firsthand the hard work required to create Navajo art. “I come from a weaving family,” she said. “My great-great grandmother and my great-grandmother wove, and today I, along with my grandmother, mother, and even brothers, continue the tradition.” Johnny’s grandmother, now 83, has been weaving traditional Navajo rugs since age 9.