APU Articles

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APU Receives $900,000 Research Grant to Help K-12 Decision Makers

November 25, 2024 | Humanities and Sciences

Azusa Pacific University received a $900,000 grant in partnership with Northwestern University and the University of Chicago from the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences (IES) with Kaitlyn G. Fitzgerald, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science, Engineering, Math, Physics, and Statistics, as a co-principal investigator.

Katie Fitzgerald discusses research with student worker

Staff Saturday: Bree Dobos ’22, MDiv ’24 Pursues Ministry as a Residence Director

November 23, 2024

Bree Dobos ’22, MDiv ’24, has always been passionate about pursuing ministry. As a residence director, she pours her heart into mentoring students and providing them with the best campus life experience possible.

Bree Dobos serves at a RezLife event.

Faculty Feature: Jenna Reyes, EdD, Sets Students Up for Success by Teaching With Compassion

November 22, 2024 | Nursing

Jenna Reyes, EdD, RN, PHN, CHSE, chair of the MSN in Nursing Education, sets nursing students up for success by providing them with opportunities for hands-on experience and positively encouraging them to persevere through such a rigorous curriculum. She frequently reminds them to place their calling in God’s hands and He will guide them.

Jenna smiles on a sunny day near a grassy hill

Student Spotlight: Kali Jo Anema ’24 Shares Openness and Enthusiasm for Personal Growth

November 19, 2024 | Behavioral Sciences, Honors College

Kali Jo Anema ’24 is soon to graduate with a degree in psychology and a minor in honors humanities. She is passionate about learning, helping others, and hearing people’s stories. Her experience in psychology and honors have deepened her interest in broadening her faith and understanding of humanity.

Kali Jo leans against a tree at APU

Staff Saturday: Everette Brooks Establishes Lasting Bonds with Veteran Students

November 16, 2024

Everette Brooks served in the U.S. Army for 12 years as a veterinary specialist. At APU, he serves as the executive director of Military and Veteran Services, setting an example of what it means to implement teamwork, diligence, and faith in one’s vocation.

Everette smiles in his office, full of American flags and many books.

Faculty Feature: Kirsten Lundin Humer, MFA, Combines Her Love for Voice Coaching, Stories, and Connection in APU Theater Arts

November 15, 2024 | Arts

Kirsten Lundin Humer, MFA, has taught students in APU’s theater arts program for more than a decade. She is dedicated to using her expertise in the world of vocal coaching to guide students to incorporate their unique voices so they can perform to the best of their abilities.

kirsten smiles while sitting backstage in apu's blackbox theater

Community Engagement: CHAMP Continues to Inspire the Next Generation of College Students

November 14, 2024 | Education, service

Hundreds of local youth have been inspired by APU students through the College Headed And Mighty Proud (CHAMP) program.

CHAMP students work on an art project

Staff Saturday: Karen Rouggly ’05, DMin Shares the Light of Christ in All She Does

November 09, 2024

Karen (Denning) Rouggly ’05, DMin shines God’s light in all she does. As a campus pastor and director of the Office of Service and Discipleship, she truly loves engaging with students through mentorship, worship, and serving together.

Karen Roughly smiles outside the office of service and discipleship. There are many flags in the background representing different countries.

Faculty Feature: Charity Vasquez, PhD, Equips Child Life Students to Provide Hope in the Midst of Hardship

November 08, 2024 | Behavioral Sciences

It’s fitting that Charity Vazquez’s, PhD, CCLS, name means love, because through her dedication to the field of child life, she walks alongside children facing healthcare challenges in order to provide them comfort and hope in a time of distress. As the chair of the department of child life at APU, Vasquez guides students to spread Christ’s love in all they do.

charity smiles outside the amphitheater on east campus on a sunny day

Alumni Feature: Daniel Moore '11 Creates Impact Through Pickleball

November 05, 2024 | Alumni

When Daniel Moore ’11 was introduced to pickleball by his father in 2014, he had no idea the sport would become a major part of his life. Over the next decade, Moore would go on to win nine national championships, before ending his professional playing career and introducing pickleball to Japan and Kenya.

Daniel Moore plays pickleball with his father.

Staff Saturday: Paul Dennis ’91 Gives Back to APU’s Campus Safety After Serving as a Police Officer for 27 Years

November 02, 2024

Paul Dennis ’91 came to APU as an undergraduate student, curious about what God’s calling for his life would be. After spending 27 years as a police officer in the Azusa police department, Dennis found his way back to alma mater to serve as the executive officer of the department of campus safety.

Paul Dennis stands in front of his medals in his office

Faculty Feature: Kimberly Setterlund, MSW, Shines the Light of Christ as a Social Worker

November 01, 2024 | Behavioral Sciences

Kimberly Setterlund, MSW, lives out her calling by being there for people in their darkest moments, showing them God’s light. As a social worker, she has experience helping a variety of people, from adults struggling with mental health disorders, to families battling cancer. She is the chair of APU’s MSW program, and strives to teach students how to ethically and lovingly care for others.

Kim sits on a bench on cougar walk with a statue of one of apu's former presidents

Mika Yagi Kim Lives Out Her Faith Through Nursing in Tanzania

October 31, 2024 | Nursing

Sometimes God calls us to a completely different path than the one we’re on, and it can be daunting to take the leap of faith. Professional nursing student Mika Yagi Kim ’25 followed her heart to pursue a career in nursing when she felt God calling her to help others in ways she couldn’t at her previous job.

Kim stands on a balcony with the Tanzania landscape behind her.

Delaney Raetz ’27 Strengthens APU’s Community Through Campus Involvement

October 29, 2024 | Honors College

Kinesiology and honors humanities double major Delaney Raetz ’27 was so positively influenced by the APU community connection in her freshman year that she has become more involved on campus in order to be a light of faith and friendship for others.

Delaney Raetz holding a softball while wearing her softball uniform.

Staff Saturday: Dante Cordova Helps Create Fun and Functional APU Apps

October 26, 2024

Dante Cordova has worked at APU for more than two decades. While he’s exceptionally skilled in technology, his warm energy and eagerness to celebrate the achievements of others make him someone APU is lucky to have as the product manager in Information Technology (IT).

Dante smiles in the information technology office near APU banners