APU Articles

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Finding Your Tribe: Making Friends in College

April 14, 2018

When I started my freshman year of college, I was ecstatic. I loved my roommate, I lived in a great hall, and I enjoyed my classes. I had an idyllic picture in my head of what the next four years would be like: lots of late-night adventures, cute photos, and instantly making friends. However, my journey did not end up looking exactly like that picture.

Finding Your Tribe: Making Friends in College

What International Students Bring to the College Experience

April 12, 2018

Whether you’re moving across the city or across the country to attend college, your peers are likely to come from a broad array of places. Not only will they have different life experiences and favorite sports teams, many may have cultural backgrounds that you have not encountered before.

What International Students Bring to the College Experience

Tips from an Admissions Representative: How AP Scores Are Really Viewed

April 10, 2018

Applying to college can be a bit nerve-racking—especially when you don’t know who you are going up against or what admissions representatives are looking for, exactly. Do they want to see impressive AP scores, or would they rather see hours of community involvement?

Tips from an Admissions Representative: How AP Scores Are Really Viewed

5 Reasons Why You Don’t Need a Car Freshman Year

April 05, 2018

You’ve probably been told why you don’t need a car freshman year. Many schools don’t allow freshmen to bring cars in an effort to keep students on campus and involved in school. While you may not love this rule, there are a number of benefits.

5 Reasons Why You Don’t Need a Car Freshman Year

Stuck on the College Waitlist? Here's What to Know

March 31, 2018

When students are anticipating their college acceptance letters, no one is prepared for a letter that says, “Congratulations! You made it on the college waitlist.” However, this could be a great opportunity to slow down and re-evaluate goals and options.

Stuck on the College Waitlist? Here's What to Know

Educator Hiring Fair: Bringing Teaching Jobs and Networking Opportunities to the Community

March 26, 2018

With a persistent teacher shortage in California, qualified educators continue to be in high demand. On March 3, Azusa Pacific University’s School of Education hosted its annual Educator Hiring Fair to connect area school districts and education-related employers with those seeking teaching jobs or roles in administration or pupil personnel services.

Educator Hiring Fair: Bringing Teaching Jobs and Networking Opportunities to the Community

What I Wish I Knew: Get to Know Your Resident Advisor

March 20, 2018

One element of on-campus living is the resident advisor (RA). These students are highly trained, caring, and energetic; prepared to take on any challenge with gusto, snacks, and a smile. RAs do everything that a normal student does—live next door to you, go to class, stay up late to finish homework—and fulfill dozens of additional tasks that go along with this position. “A successful RA is organized, courageous, outgoing, diligent, determined, and manages time well,” said Jaeda Smith ‘19, acting for the stage and screen major, and an RA in Azusa Pacific University’s University Village. “Some days it is tempting to do the bare minimum, but I remind myself that even a smile could be the necessary encouragement that one of my residents needs to make it through their day.”

What I Wish I Knew: Get to Know Your Resident Advisor

How to Approach the College Process for Students With Additional Needs

March 17, 2018

If your student had an individualized education program, or IEP, in high school and is now preparing for college, you may be wondering how their additional needs will be met and what you can do to help. It’s important for both you and your child to be prepared, as the process you experienced during their high school years is likely to be different when your student goes to college.

How to Approach the College Process for Students With Additional Needs