APU Articles

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A Hero's Tribute

August 01, 2003

A T.E.A.M. Effort

July 25, 2003

On July 11-19, APU’s Haggard School of Theology hosted the annual T.E.A.M. conference. The event, a main training opportunity for the Youth Leadership Institute (YLI), brought more than 100 high school juniors and seniors to the APU campus.

APU Celebrates the Fourth of July

July 03, 2003

"The [fourth] day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epocha in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commended as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward for evermore."

APU's Duke of Buildings

June 03, 2003

On Tuesday, May 20, APU dedicated the Duke Academic Complex on West Campus. The new building houses 12 classrooms, 6 seminar rooms, a lecture hall, 40 offices, an extensive art gallery, and a tri-level library.

A Man of Distinction

May 01, 2003

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The Answers Are Black and White

April 08, 2003

For a week in mid-March, APU's Art Gallery West was transformed into one student's exploration of existence and meaning in today's world. In Ghosts and Empty Sockets, Art and English major Jared Mees '03, delved into questions of the human condition, and offered provocative portrayals of how American society handles them.

Sigma Tau Delta Does Cincinnati

April 01, 2003

On Wednesday March 19, six members of APU’s Alpha Epsilon Tau chapter of the Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society joined scholars from around the country at the Sigma Tau Delta Convention held in Cincinnati, Ohio. In addition to the student presentations, there were readings by authors Kyoko Mori and Bernard Cooper, as well as a keynote address by former Poet Laureate of the United States, Robert Hass.

Going Out to God’s Beloved World

March 10, 2003

"God loves the world," stressed Kimberly Battle-Walters, Ph.D., associate professor of social work, after reciting John 3:16 with those gathered in the Upper Turner Campus Center. Walters shared this simple yet profound realization as one of the many things she learned during her experience as a Fulbright Scholar in South Africa.

Mission: Ensenada

February 23, 2003

Jubilant Sykes Visits APU

February 03, 2003

On Tuesday, January 28, the audience in Munson Recital Hall was delighted by the warm and passionate baritone of Jubilant Sykes, who performed a wide selection of pieces in his unforgettably personal style. The concert was part of the Artist Concert Series sponsored by the School of Music.

First Professor to Embark on Trek

January 31, 2003

"Oh God don't let anyone ask me to go on the winter trek. I am not physically prepared. I am 56 years old. I haven't put my body under that kind of stress in many years." This was my prayer and my excuses when I arrived at Bass Lake to teach the Art History course of the Great Works Program in January of 2003. The students arrived ready for a rigorous academic and physical schedule. They are so young and filled with so much energy was my thought. Was I like them when I was in college? Oh well, if I am real lucky I can bluff my way through any invitation to attend the trek. Twenty-five miles carrying 35 pounds in the snow, in a tent at night. I don't think so.

Marshburn Library, a House of Information

January 13, 2003

Azusa Pacific University takes great pride in providing its students and faculty with state-of-the-art facilities to further their education. An example of such facilities is one of the two university libraries is the William V. Marshburn Memorial Library located on East Campus. It was built in 1963, and has been renovated and upgraded several times since. The building is home to a plethora of educational tools for patrons to access, including a microform collection, a writing center, computers, the Sakioka Technology Training Center, the Ed Peterman Reading Room, and a theology and reference room.