APU Articles

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Jesus, Social Action, and APU's L.A. Term

July 01, 2005

Jesus made social injustice a focus of his mission. Jesus chose to come off his throne to enter this world physically and to be raised in a poor family. His mother spoke of her “humble state” (Luke 1:48), and his parents’ temple offering for him was a poor person’s offering (2:24). Jesus told his disciples to drop everything and follow him. He had “nowhere to lay his head.” He and his disciples traveled about, engaged in loving and healing activity, while dependent on the hospitality of others.

Faculty's Summer School

June 13, 2005

As a question is posed, hands fly up, mouths open to speak, and ideas are exposed. More than 20 faculty members, with varying areas of expertise, plow through concepts of Shakespeare and meet a young man named Hamlet. There’s Biology and Communication Studies, Social Work and Biblical Studies – every dynamic represented by a brilliant mind. They agree and disagree, observe and discuss in hopes of arriving at some consensus, and if nothing else, discover a new profound respect for a colleague.

Extra Innings

June 01, 2005

Let’s get one thing straight: Kelly Strickland ’03 is no Matt Leinert. But when the Heisman Trophy winner and two-time national champion quarterback from the University of Southern California spurned the multimillion dollar riches of the NFL back in January in order to play his senior year of college, Strickland had to smile.

The APU Scholar

June 01, 2005

“Scholarship is to be created not by compulsion,” Ralph Waldo Emerson once claimed, “but by awakening a pure interest in knowledge.” Connecting students to the joys of scholarly inquiry is best achieved, he believed, by making the college campus “a place of delightful labor.”

Serving Through Art

May 16, 2005

Each year, Los Angeles County places more than 70,000 children into the hands of child services due to abuse, neglect, abandonment, and exploitation. In addition, nearly 50,000 of those children are protected by the Juvenile Dependency Court, reports the Los Angeles Almanac. Established in July of 1992, Edmund D. Edelman Children’s Court became the first LA County “child-sensitive” dependency courthouse with facilities designed to comfort an already victimized child.

God's Presence in Tragedy: The Journey of an APU Alumna Nurse

May 10, 2005

She seemed like she could have been a typical American baby – wholesome and healthy – except for her grayish-blue skin and non-responsiveness. When the 16-month-old Kosovar girl came to the refugee camp, she suffered from severe dehydration and malnourishment. As a victim of the Serbian attack on ethnic Albanians in Kosovo in 1998, she was fortunate compared to many. To her benefit, a well-trained, compassionate nurse wasted no time getting an IV started, a technique the child’s lifeless, hardened skin would likely reject.

Ken Starr Visits APU

May 04, 2005

"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven," the Bible says in Matthew 5:16 (NIV). Renowned lawyer and APU's School of Business and Management guest speaker Ken Starr also read these words as addressed the issue of integrity in today's world.

Athens 2005: Special Olympics Come to APU

April 29, 2005

One of the main goals of APU’s Athletics Department is to instill within the men and women of their program a Christ-likeness character. The 2005 Cougar football team, with this goal in mind, gathered for their annual service project—hosting a day of Special Olympics in Cougar Stadium.

Athens 2005: Special Olympics Come to APU

Jammin with Jars of Clay

April 22, 2005

Nearly 3,000 attendees packed the Felix Event Center to see Jars of Clay live in concert Saturday night, April 9, 2005. Flashing lights glittered on stage as Small Boat Sinking and Tyrone Wells opened for the critically acclaimed Grammy award-winning band.

APU Hosts 20th Annual Night of Champions

April 07, 2005

On Saturday, March 5, APU's West Campus filled with excitement as the 20th annual Night of Champions brought an evening food, music, and games to local youth. Sponsored by APU in collaboration with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the event culminated in personal testimonies from two Olympic medalists.

APU Hosts 20th Annual Night of Champions

How APU Has Been Saying Yes

February 28, 2005

On Tuesday, February 22, rain pours down on the Azusa Pacific University campus. Walkways flood as students trudge to class in drenched clothes and soaked hair, toting various colored umbrellas. As the early afternoon approaches and many students wander back to their apartments, 10-15 students venture down to Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles for a unique service experience. The Say Yes! Program, gives volunteers the opportunity to work one-on-one with homeless children. Kelly Hadager '08 observes on the way there, “It’s hard to complain about the rain when I see homeless (people). I think about how we’re gonna get out of the car, get wet and complain about it, but go home later, take a shower, and put new clothes on. These people can’t.”

Stop and Smell the Roses

January 01, 2005

Have you ever stopped to smell the 800 species and variations of plants? From the 40 rose bushes surrounding the Rose Garden to the ivy creeping up the walls of Hugh and Hazel Darling Library, the landscape of the APU campus brings to life the university's vibrancy and unique atmosphere.